Prologue- reader

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(this is a short chapter just about how reader sees and feels about Jeff currently, there will be one about how Jeff sees reader, then the story will begin officially)

song- Within Temptation- Murder

There's one word to describe mine and jeff's so-called friendship: pandemonium. we are like oil and water, we don't mix. no matter how much we talk, spend time with each other, we never get on and always find a way to bump heads on some sort of topic. Unfortunately for me, Jeff and I usually get paired for missions by Slender.

Don't get me wrong, i love Slender and i appreciate everything he has done for me but fucking hell, i swear this dude does this on purpose. No matter how many times i complain, i ask, i beg, he puts me with him on most missions. i get on really well with the rest of the proxies and members of the manor, for the most part. Of course we all have our ups and downs but it's nothing compared to what me and Jeff have to go through every mission.

If i had count every time one of our altercations almost threw a mission, i'd loose count. the only thing, and i mean ONLY, thing i admire about Jeff is his dedication to complete something. that's why i used the word almost, because no matter what, he gets a mission done. Always.

Me and Jeff arrived at the Manor at relatively the same time. i was 13 and he was 14, arriving in the span of a couple months between each other. even as kids, we used to fight. it was understandable, we were both extremely competitive, always trying to out-do one another, but that rivalry turned into animosity and we stopped arguing over who's better, instead, fought out of pure hatred for each other.

i won't lie, some things Jeff says sting and hurt me. he makes me feel belittled and like he thinks he's better than me, which just increases my anger towards him. our fighting doesn't just affect me and him though, everyone in the manor is aware of our distaste for each other. it's gotten to a point where they make continuous efforts to keep us apart unless absolutely necessary. If me and Jeff stayed in a room together, alone, only one would leave.

i sometimes think of why this happened, and what reason made me not get along with him. no matter how hard i think, nothing comes to mind.

Some people aren't meant for each other, simply don't blend well.

I try not to think about him much, and avoid as much contact as possible during missions, but if he pushes me, i am not backing down.

for what i've been through, and how people treated me before i came to the manor, Jeff is a piece of cake. Although i think that that has a part to play, being pushed around a majority of my life and not being able to do anything about it. Now i can with Jeff. i don't want to be pushed around again and i won't let myself either.

Eventually, all Jeff will be is an unpleasant memory, and i soak in that idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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