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"You're lucky im doing this for you bastard.", Romano spat at boyfriend of two years, Gilbert.

"It wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know my umbrella broke?", Gilbert replied.

Lovi huffed angrily, giving up on fighting Gilbert. "Well will you at least hold the umbrella? My arm is tired."

Gilbert chuckled, "Of course, leibe"

The rain cascaded down the side of the street giving a peaceful sound to the usally loud area. Romano enjoyed the rain for that reason.

"Romano?", Gilbert asked.

Lovi murmured a "What" before being greeted by Gilbert's lips.

Romano wrapped his arms around Gilbert's neck as he deeped the kiss by running his tongue across Gilbert's lips.

Gilvert dropped the umbrella and wrapped his arms around Romano's waist, not caring about the rain.

Romano on the other hand did.

"You bastard.", he said as he pulled away from his boyfriend, soaked in rain.

"Come on. And I'll be holding this.", he said, slipping his hand into Gilbert's as they walked.


Gilbert heard romano sneeze from the living room as he made tea for the Italian.

He finished the task and brought it to Romano, who was cuddled onto the couch in blankets. He set the mug down and crouched down next to Lovi.

Tenderly stroking his hair, Gilbert asked him how he felt.

"How do you think I feel, shithead?", He responded sitting up and grabbing the mug of tea. "It's your fault."

"I know. I'm sorry leibe.", Gilbert said guilty.

"... Idiot. Get up here and cuddle with me.", Romano said.

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