"That's A Wrap" A Home Movies Creepypasta

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Hey guys. Its Ellie. Me and the ENTIRE group of our Home Movies lost episode saga are here typing this post. So I'll leave it to Jenny to type our latest and most sickening find. 

Thanks, Ellie. So me and the guys here were on a group call when someone on Discord messaged me with not one but TWO videos. One was an interview with Brendon Small and the second was a Home Movies episode called "That's A Wrap." The sender told me he worked for Soup2Nuts and said that there was initially gonna be a 5th season of home Movies, but Adult Swim never greenlit it due to Brendon wanting to dive into more serious subject matter in the show, the network said it would be a better idea that he keep the darker nature with his then new project, Metalocalypse. 

We were a bit skeptical but downloaded both videos anyway. Now we tell you the tragic tale of "That's A Wrap" -M

We open to the usual TV set logo but the screen was broken and the Home Movies text flickered to Brendon with his eye sockets just plain black with blood dripping out of them. It then cut to black before cutting to MCGuirk bringing home a pizza and some chicken strips. The coach then turned to us, the audience. "I know its out of the ordinary for us to talk to you guys tuning in at home but....Just thought I'd document what's been going on at home." We fade to a very underweight Brendon. He was so skinny that you could see every bone in his body. MCGuirk then began to narrate the following:

"Brendon has been taking his mom's death pretty hard. He refuses to eat, barely sleeps, and doesn't make his stupid little movies anymore." MCguirk said. "But I'm gonna change that. I brought him a pizza and chicken strips to hopefully raise his spirits. He then parked the car and carried the pizza in. "Brendon! Come downstairs! I got you a little something!" Brendon stumbled down the stairs and looked up at his now "guardian" with big bloodshot eyes. "Come on kid, I got you a pizza. Its your favorite!" MCGuirk said putting a slice on a plate. "T-Thanks. I appreciate it." Brendon cracked a smile and started eating. "Want some chicken strips too, kid?" the coach asked opening a box of strips. "Sure why not!" Brendon replied as he dug into his food. This scene continued onto MCGuirk and Brendon talking about their day and how its been going so far. This scene was particularly charming and kind of pulled at the heart strings cuz MCGuirk actually treats Brendon like his own son rather than some kid on the soccer team. 

"Maybe you should call your homies and make a movie together?" MCGuirk commented. "You guys haven't hung out in a while." Brendon thought for a bit before nodding his head "Yeah, you know what? I think I know just what to make." Brendon replied before excusing himself from the table. 

Our next clip cut to the basement with Brendon typing on his laptop while the rest of the cast piled in. "OH MY GOD, BRENDON! What the hell happened to you?!" Melissa gasped looking at her friend's horrifying state. "I gotta agree with Melissa, dude. You look wayyyyyy too fit.. And that's coming from someone at overweight as me!" Jason chimed in. "Guys. I'm fine. Just been a little under the weather." Brendon sighed "Now let's get to making our movie!!!" He cheered stepping out of his chair. It then faded to Melissa and Jason looking over their scripts with the most terrified expressions. "Uhhhh Brendon? Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean we've already been through enough with Jason's script." Melissa stuttered. Jason rolled his eyes and muttered "I tried my best...." Brendon grabbed his clapperboard and yelled "Annnnnnd ACTION!" 

"That's A Wrap" A Home Movies Creepypasta (Series 1 Finale)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora