Benjamin Cobalt

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I had to help them. My boss didn't want me to. He wanted me to continue the experiments. He wanted me to make these kids suffer. He forced me to strap them down to the tables, to inject them with radiation, to listen to their screams of pain. He knew I couldn't do anything about it. He even had Deb under his grasp. He had called her in to his office, and then Wes had ended up dead. Wes had been good. He knew the experiments were bad, he knew they had to be stopped. But he was dead. He was dead because he stood up to Nelson. I had to stay quiet if my plan was going to work.

My plan was much more straightforward than Deb's. She was hiding the evidence for her "Subjects", people she would manipulate into getting her way. I suppose that was one of her talents, a Syphus family trait. Not many people knew that, as she was only referred to as Deb. But I knew. And I knew her subjects would eventually find out about her manipulative ways.

After they left her and her project in the dust, which they would after they found out about the truth of this world, they would want a break. I had to do something to make sure they still got a break, but I wanted them to know the truth. I had to investigate the death of Wes.

It happened in the Mountaineer. Wes's Mountaineer. Since I was a head scientist, I had access to the control room. I went to the cameras and found the footage. Wes walked out to his car, and there was clearly someone already in there waiting for him. Even though the footage was crappy as heck, I was still able to discern that much. They sat there for a minute, and then there was a flash. Holy crap. Was that a gun? Was Wes shot? Then the passenger door opened, and out ran a woman in a lab coat and a brown ponytail. I gasped, and quickly made two VHS tapes. I couldn't lose this. One stopped before she got out, and the other had her running from the scene of the crime. I grabbed a key, and ran to location 3.

At the third location, I went to the vault that would serve as a trap for her. I placed the partial tape in the vault, so if she was ever caught, that would serve as a warning to her that someone knew. I had purposely cut out her running away, with the hopes it would throw her off her game. I quickly made my exit before anyone caught me. Then I went back to the Mountaineer.

"Wes?" I asked as I closed the door. "I know you can hear me, but I can't hear you." I looked around. "Look, Deb's planning something, but she's going to hide it from the people she uses. I'm going to need you to help. Push them the right way when everything goes sour. Please." A knock came on the door, and I jumped.

"B27, what are you doing?" called Nelson Syphus. I gasped.

"Please," I whispered before I exited the car.

"Come here, Benjamin," he said. "I have a promotion for you. Come to the labs at 7:00 A.M. sharp. Be there." With that, he left, and I began to worry.

He wanted me in the lab. That was never a good sign. I raced home to my RV and gathered all my stuff. I knew what was coming.

He was going to inject me. And there was nothing I could do to stop him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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