An Error In The Code

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It was eerily quiet as Sonic was quietly making his way through the dark corridor with only his communicator as a light source, his ears twitching as he tried to pick up any sounds that might relate to a way out or something.

It had been nearly an hour since he was separated from his two friends, Tails and Knuckles, due to the main floor breaking beneath them. He knew that Knuckles can take care of himself but he's more worried about his little brother Tails. Even though the fox was smart and can take care of himself, Sonic couldn't help but feel like something.....unsettling about the large base and his instincts were never wrong.

Looking down at the communicator, he could see that it wasn't connected to anything but did have the basic functions and anything else that was added to it before they had entered the base, which wasn't much but it was enough for Sonic since Tails managed to add a map of the place. He could see that he's in floor four of the underground building which made him slightly annoyed and worried, annoyed about how far he was to the entrance of the building and worried about his two friends being in a completely different area.

Letting out a soft sigh, Sonic continued walking while splitting his attention between the communicator and the path before him. Suddenly he stopped when he quickly picked up the sound of quiet footsteps, it was barely there but Sonic managed to hear up and speed up his walking even though he was tempted to run but didn't want to risk getting caught by whoever he was listening to. After getting there at a certain, estimating how close he was to the sound and used the small flashlight to see what was in front of him only to be caught off guard by two things.

One, before him was Doctor Eggman whom looked a bit worse for wear with his clothes being ripped and dirtied as well as a bit bloodied, which made Sonic worried, followed by minor cuts on him, the major one being a long yet thin cut on the doctor's side with a mixture of dry and wet blood seeping from it.

Two, the same Doctor Eggman was pointing a lazar type gun at him and was staring down at him with aggressive so intense that almost caused Sonic to step back but stood straight, not letting it bother him.

"Hey Egghead, not who I was expecting to fi-"

"Not another step Hedgehog!"

Sonic instantly stopped mid step at the aggressive tone in Eggman's tone causing the quills to sharpen a bit at the tone and tensing up. "Wha-"

"Show me that you're the real Sonic!"

"" Sonic asked him, taken by complete surprise by the unusual question but knew that he had to do something to somehow 'prove' that he's the real Sonic unless he want to get shot.

"Make a cut on yourself now!"

His ears flickered backwards at the sudden demand but decided that it was doable. His eyes flickered down at the ground, looking for some sort of object, sharp enough to do the job before swiftly picking it off from the ground while placing the communicator at the same time and stood back up. Then he held up his arm, showing the back of his forearm and, without hesitation, made a thin cut diagonally on the back of his forearm and not being able to stop a hiss of pain slipping passed his lips even though he had prepared himself before looking at Eggman for some sort of response.

The Doctor was staring at his arm for a few minutes like he was expecting something to happen before his expression soon changed and soon lowered the gun. "How and why are you here, Sonic?" Eggman asked, or demanded, the blue hedgehog, his tone shifted from aggressive to a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

"What did you do?" Sonic, instead, asked his own question, his expression completely serious. When the Doctor didn't answer, Sonic soon started glaring at him "What. Did. You. Do" the blue hedgehog asked once again as his quills started raising up and sharpening.

An Error In The Code (Oneshot) (Halloween Special)Where stories live. Discover now