the homestead

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Tim's work on the settlement has been very smooth with the help of raven not attacking him with the condition that he hids her when a lamia is in the area. He has been able to put a rail track in the mine and cart to haul out rock and gold. He finished todays work and is walking out of the mine to begin making dinner. He walks into his house and heads to the cellar to grab some salted beef and potatoes.

Raven is out flying home with a dead deer. She drops the deer on the ledge to her cave and lands next to it and drags it in. She grabs a stone to use as a flint and starts a fire and uses her talons to start preparing the deer.

Tim finishes cooking his food and starts planning a trip to town to stock up on supplies before winter and to hear the latest news. He steps outside to the nice early fall weather and sits outside and starts eating when all of a sudden raven lands next to his house with her roasted deer. "So decided to join me for dinner " he takes a bite of potatoes.

"What it gets old eating by myself " raven rips a chunk of meat and eats.

"So tell me mind saying why your by yourself and not with your tribe" tim looks up at her.

"Fine I was kicked out, banished to never return".

"Oh sorry to hear that" they continue eating in silence until tim speaks up to break the silence "it's sure been quite lately of lamias ".

"They will be heading to the southern end of the mountains for the winter" raven rips off the last piece of meat and eats.

"Speaking of winter I am heading to town to stock up and to trade in the gold and hides ,if you want i could trade in any furs that you have that are good to get you something that could help you with the coming winter."

"Mm" raven thinks for a long while "Well it would be nice to get something warm to wear".

"Tell you what I will see if I can get you a blanket " tim heads to his house "Well I am going to turn in got a lot of work in the morning to get ready to head to town."

Up in the northern part of the mountains at the largest mine. Miners are hauling out gold and rock. The supervisor is watching a team of men hauling a crate of dynamite into a tunnel. The company has been on his ass because of lack of production. "I dont like this dynamite causes more problems than I like" he waits for the miners to get done setting up.

The miners walk out "all clear". The supervisor gives the single and the miner lights the fuse "fire in the hole" they start running and took cover!

The dynamite goes off shooting dust out of the tunnel. "Ok go in and check the tunnel " the supervisor yells!

A group of men go in after the dust settles to check the mine. The men walk deep to the end and see a huge hole going into a cave. They walk in shining there lanterns and see spider webs everywhere and then screaming of war crys. The miners up top are waiting when they hear the screams of the men inside the tunnel and then the sound of something coming up the tunnel and then webs shoot out of the mine pinning me to the ground and then men all running for their lives as they are getting attacked by creatures coming out of the mines. The supervisor runs to the telegraph and starts taping a message "under attack by a unknow enemy please send help". All of a sudden something breaks into the shack and grabs him and drags him out.

A couple weeks later tim arrives at the town to see the people in a uproar. He leads his wagon into town and hears people talking about some kind of creatures attacking the mines in the north with a few lucky miners that where able to flee. He walks into the bank and turns in his gold "what happened the whole town is in a uproar "?

The clerk looks at him "you didn't hear the mine has been overrun by some kind of monsters that no one had seen before,  from what I heard they just swarmed out of the tunnels catching those poor men by surprise only a few of them where able to escape and they are pissing themselves from how scared they are ".

"Wow are you sure it wasn't harpys attacking them"?

"No one of the men described a clicking sound and white string stronge as iron grabbing men and pinning them to the ground, heard a possy is being formed by the mining company to take back the mine" the clerk hands him the money for the gold "they are offering thousand dollars for each man that takes the mine back and comes back alive".

"Nay I am good where I am" tim grabs his money and goes to trade the furs. As he walks he sees men gathering near the company building with a hundred men armed to the teeth. "Shit they mean business surprised the army didn't get called in". He sells the furs and buys supplies for the coming winter and finds a large thick tarp that raven can use as a blanket and loads all his stuff. After he finishes he starts leaving town not wanting to get dragged into what ever  mess is going on in the mines. He drives the wagon as far as he can before nightfall getting a bad feeling that something is watching him. He makes camp for the night and starts a fire and is on edge as there is no sounds of the night coming from the forest its completely quiet not even the wind is blowing. Tim makes his journey back home and reaches his home and starts unloading his wagon when raven lands.

"Your back earlier than normal" raven looks down at him.

"Yeah something strange Is going on heard the mine up north got attacked by something that overran them ". He pulls out the tarp "this is for you its a thick tarp should work as a blanket ".

"Like what that my people drove them out or a lamia attack " raven looks at the huge tarp?

"They said it came out of the mines" tim is then picked up.

"What did you say" raven says with panic in her voice?

"That the attack came from underground " raven drops tim "Oh no no no".

"Raven what is it"?

"Ok you know about the harpy tribes and the nomadic lamias well there is  another race that lives in the mountains deep under ground in caves and tunnels and if you said is correct then those humans have provoke a very dangerous foe".

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