Cast of 1975

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Lotus Evans

 (The Hufflepuff that saved him)

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(The Hufflepuff that saved him)

Regulus Black

(The boy that had to live up to Family expectations)

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(The boy that had to live up to Family expectations)

Lily Evans

(The twin that was brave)

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(The twin that was brave)

James Potter

(The boy in love with the twin)

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(The boy in love with the twin)

Sirius Black

(The boy that left his little brother)

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(The boy that left his little brother)

Remus Lupin

(The boy that thought he was a monster)

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(The boy that thought he was a monster)

Peter Pettigrew

(The boy who needed a little push)

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(The boy who needed a little push)

Amos Diggory

(The boy that was golden)

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(The boy that was golden)

Rabastan Lestrange

(The boy that stuck by his bestfriend)

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(The boy that stuck by his bestfriend)

The Evans family (the family that were muggles)
The Black family (the family that needed the most help)
The Potters family (the family that helped)
The Malfoy family (the family that wanted to stay pure)
The Prewett family (the family that loved quidditch)
The Weasley family (the family of all ginger boys)
The Mckkinon family (the family that fought)
The Fortescue family (the family that were kind)
The Longbottom family (the family that was messy)
The Lestrange family (the family that was crazy)
The Crouch family (the family that was broken)
The Snape family (the family that made mistakes)
Hufflepuff (the house that were just and loyal)
Gryffindor (the house that were brave and chivalrous)
Slytherin (the house that was ambitious and cunning)
Ravenclaw (the house that was wise and unique)
Dumbledore (the old coot)
McGonagall (Minnie the cat)
Slughorn (the man that had favorites)
Voldemort (the wizard hitler)

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