Bloody liar.

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Before the duo knew it, they were in a new realm. A new place. Techno felt his vision return. A sort of strict tiredness returned to him once again. He wished he could go back to the other universe's calm quietness, but he missed his sight and he couldn't take the life of a vessel like that. Though, then again- it sounded like the vessel was down to die soon anyway. Their Tommy had been planning it. Techno sighed, relaxing slightly as he remembered the situation was finally over– Tommy would not be bothering them.

Techno looked around at his surroundings. It looked as if he had woken up at around 6 am. Usually, the vessel didn't even sleep after midnight, so he assumed that something important was happening to the body. He stood, looking through the memories of the body and trying to figure out what was happening. It seemed as if the body just had work to do, so he got dressed and pulled up his hair. 

Eventually, he left the apartment completely, calm as ever.

Tommy, on the other hand, was panicking in his own home. He didn't know whether or not Techno was in this reality, and he certainly didn't want to check, but the vessel had a sense of urgency and excitement. The memory of the previous day pulsed in the vessel's mind, giving Tommy a small headache. Of course, that didn't stop him from getting ready and rushing out of the door, ignoring the desperate calls from his family as he left. 

Once they were both on their respective modes of transportation, the day got easier. Techno had pushed Tommy out of his mind and Tommy's headache was gone. 

An hour or so passed and they both arrived at the same destination- it's unsurprising since they were both headed into the big city. The roads in the said city were made with bricks and the buildings had a calm, early 60s look to them. Techno never really minded how some things were more vintage than others. In fact, he preferred it.

Techno looked over to the building he was meant to enter and rushed over, putting his hand on the cold metal door handle and turning it. He entered the building, and to his surprise, Tommy was sitting inside.

“Oh- uh... I’m guessin’ it didn’t work, huh?” Techno chuckled awkwardly.

“No fuckin’ shit, Techno.”

"It's alright, we'll just do it in this one or the next." Techno looked at the desk to the side of them. It looked as if the receptionist had run off, most likely to get some sort of important document or such.

Sooner or later, he would return, and Techno could get as far away from this idiotic child as possible.

"Here it is- ah, Techno! You've made it." Techno looked up from the floor and towards the man who had just entered the room. 


Techno looked down to Tommy, who seemed wildly confused with all that was going on- ah, right. He must think Phil was one of them. Techno knew he wasn't-- there was something different about him in every universe, no matter how big or small. In some universes, he would have giant black wings, in others none. Sometimes he would even have white or red wings. Techno always searched for a difference, just in case. In this one, Phil had shorter hair and he was taller. He dropped his suspicions and turned his attention back to the situation.

"We should probably get started," Techno said, motioning to Tommy to stand and go up to the desk.

"Oh- of course, mate. Here you go!" Phil flipped the paper to them and handed it to Techno, who proceeded to read it out loud for the three in the room.

"In the event that I, or another volunteer, disappears from this case and is presumed dead, I wish that my heir will continue my legacy and finish this case, as well as keep absolute secrecy about it, not telling their wife/husband/partner, children (if they have any) or other family. I can guarantee that if they do not withhold this secret, they will be punished greatly. If I do not die in the next 5 years, the year being 19XX, the time limit my heir(s) will have one complete day to find and finish my job for me." The year was blotched out with black ink. The words stared at Techno with a sort of petty annoyance, smiling up at him as if to say "I'm more powerful than you, and you can't do anything about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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