An Absolute Tragedy

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The world itself is a mystery. It obscures the truth and became unknown and unseen. Humans have long assumed that Gods and Goddesses reside in a realm separate from their own. They didn't realize it at the time, but they were living together in silence, doing things like a normal person and not a powerful creature.

In order to maintain the balance of the world, the Gods that went down to earth must abide the set of rules. One of which is to take an appearance and live like a human. In other words, they shouldn't use their power in earth that will disassemble the two realms and harm humans. Gods and Goddesses have their own unique power that is connected to the part of the realm that they are protecting or ruling.

We have the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis. She is the daughter of Zeus, God of Sky, and Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. She has a brother named Dionysus, the God of Wine. As the goddess of the moon, one of her duties is to enable the chosen destined pairs to meet. So Artemis descended to Earth in order to gain a better understanding of humans and to improve her duties. Also, she has been seeing a certain man named Percy Jackson from the moon for the past three years. This man has never had a destined pair, which is extremely rare.

She now lives with Dionysus, who works as a sommelier and runs a coffee bar and restaurant. Artemis spends her time studying human life by sitting at a table near the glass windows, wandering through the city's alleyways, asking her brother for his views on various topics, and watching Percy eat in the restaurant.

Then one time Percy felt that same feeling again whenever he went inside the restaurant. The feeling that someone is looking at you and never look away. He didn't mind at first, but now he's convinced that someone is watching him. When he looked around, there he sees a woman. Sitting far across the table he always reserved. Looking at him as if he were someone to be on the lookout for. Her dark brown hair is curly, and she has a pointed nose, upturned eyebrows, and full red lips. Her eyes are a shade of turquoise to ocean blue. For him, her deep graze was like hypnotism. It's really addictive. Then she smiled at him, giving him the feeling that something was going through his stomach. To turn the situation around, he dismissed her and walked right into his table, as if nothing had happened. She was somewhat dejected as a result of his reaction to her gesture. So the very next day, Artemis always sat first before the time that he will come.

Percy was taken aback and shocked that, despite what he had done the day before, he sees her again, not only inside the restaurant, but also at his reserved seat. She was just staring at him as he approached her, oblivious to what he was thinking. When he was in front of her, she explained that it was the only free space inside, and that since he was the only one at the table, he might as well enjoy her company. And it goes on like this for weeks. He will come, Artemis will sit on his table because it is the only free room, he will not talk, she will speak to him, and he will go home.

Then one night came, there's no Artemis in the table. At first, he thinks that maybe she has an important thing to do. But after a week or so, he began to be concerned about her, which is not something he is used to. When Artemis returned, he saw her and was furious at first, but then his anger faded and he felt at ease. Following that, he gradually opens up to her. And it develops into something much more complex than they could have imagined. They develop a romantic relationship after months of being accompanied by each other.

Artemis was called back to the realm of Gods by her father as a result of this. Many Gods were concerned that it would re-create chaos. Aries warned her that a Human-God relationship is a terrible thing. It was evidenced by Poseidon, the God of the sea, who chose to love a human. He was imprisoned to underworld for a lifetime. And the woman and her child perished. However, her uncle Hades, the God of the Underworld, arrived with the greatest amount of fear she had ever experienced. That the cursed couple's child is alive, and that he might be Percy Jackson. They advised her to end her relationship with him. Since, in addition to being imprisoned for all eternity, Poseidon's lineage would be cursed. A curse that the Moon Goddess will not be able to see their destined pairs. And if they succeed, their fate would be the same as Poseidon's. An absolute tragedy.

Despite what they've told Artemis, she persists in her decision to fight for what they have. And that they would go to any length to find a way to break the curse. They should believe in her. She then quickly vanishes from their view.

Artemis went to Percy as soon as she returned to Earth. She was completely honest with him. She's a moon goddess, and he's maybe a demigod. At first, he assumes it's all in good fun and that she's just making fun of him. But he trusts in her after seeing how serious she is and seeing flashbacks of him feeling and seeing odd things. They flee and hide from the eyes of the Gods. They hid the fact that they were Gods. Their powers are imprisoned inside them, and they do not want to be released.

After over a year, their love result to the growing child inside her. That's the start of a never ending problems for them. She adapts the human conception phase rather than the Gods' because she stopped being the moon goddess and wanted to be like a regular human and that he was a demigod.

Every day, she felt as if death was just around the corner. Since Percy is unsure about what he can do, he believes that asking Dionysus for assistance is the best choice. But then Dionysus told Aries and Hades about it.

Since the baby inside her is immortal, the baby's development and growth is much faster than that of a normal person. It demonstrates that the child is more powerful than both of them. Artemis would die as a result of the developing baby if they do nothing. They can't think of anything else to do but kill the baby. Artemis, on the other hand, is opposed to it. She informs them that if the baby dies, she will not forgive them. Artemis and Percy had a conversation. She explained to him that he should understand her. And he responded by saying that they would do anything to keep both of them alive.

The time came for the child to be born, and she was a daughter. She embraced her and took Percy's hand in hers. She then began speaking in a language they didn't understand, but Hades seemed to know when it was going to end. A curse may be countered by a dying God's blessing. That is the only way out. And that Artemis was well aware of it from the beginning.

Artemis ascends into the air with the child. Looking at the moon while continuing the bless. Then she gradually transformed into a moon goddess. With her long curly light gray hair and orange tinge eyes, she wore a long white dress and a moon crown. As she let go of the child in the air facing the moon, her hair danced in the breeze. She looked at Percy and smiled when she said the final words, tears streaming down her face. Then, they fall together.

Aries holds the baby while Percy holds Artemis. HHHHHH

e's crying for the first time in his life. Asking why it should end with this. Artemis told him that the curse was now lifted. That their daughter can live freely and love without hurdles. That she loves them both. If they miss her, they just have to look at the moon, which was her constant companion. Then Artemis faded away into thin air. The sound of their own and the baby's crying was all you could hear.

After three years, the baby was given the name Athena. She was too wise for her age. However, it is undeniable. They would go outside their house at night. Telling her their story while gazing at the moon. If they will miss her they will just look at the moon and that they will felt like she was looking back at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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