A Delightful Awakening

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3rd Person:

She slowly walked into the room, being careful to not drop the plate and glass she was holding. With a soft clink of glass, she set down the plate of buttered toast and the glass of milk on the nightstand and turned towards the bed.

"It's time to wake up, William. I made you some breakfast, it's your favorite, toast." She said with a small smile growing onto her face

William wearily opened his eyes and tried to sit up properly, and looked at his wife.

"Thank woo" William said, still being half asleep.

Mrs. Afton giggled and placed a small kiss onto William's forehead to help him wake up. Slowly, she cut a little piece of the toast and picked it up with the fork then sat on the bed.

"Dear, say ah~" Mrs. Afton calmly said, hovering the fork up to William's mouth with her hand under it.

William opened his mouth and took a bite of the toast and slowly chewed it. Mrs. Afton set the fork down onto the plate and looked back at her husband, who was smiling while looking back at her.

"This tastes delicious, I love it. Thank you, love." William said, with food still in his mouth

"You're welcome, dear. It was my pleasure to make it for you." Mrs. Afton said wholeheartedly, looking at William with a sincere smile, his brown hair in a crazy mess.

Mrs. Afton got up to leave but she felt a hand on her waist, so she turned around and William guided her back to him, putting his other hand onto her waist.

"Please don't leave yet, I don't want you to go." William whined with an eager sensation and with his mouth narrowing into a small frown.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be late to work. I'll see you after you're done working though!" Said Mrs. Afton, trying to politely tell William 'no'.

"Who cares about work?! Just please, stay a little longer.." William complained then begged.

"Says the one who barely takes care of our kids because of wanting to work.." Mrs. Afton said under her breath, a bit annoyed.

"Fine, I'll stay here for five more minutes. And no more than that, got it?" She said, making sure William understood.

"Yes, five more minutes, that's good" William said with a hint of disappointment in his voice

William looked back at Mrs. Afton, his hands still on her waist, and carefully moved his right hand to her chin and brought her face closer to his and gently kissed her. Mrs. Afton moved her hands to hold William's neck. They both pulled away at about the same time, both of them smiling at each while looking into each other's eyes, mesmerized.

After a few seconds, William's grey eyes lit up with excitement and quickly let go of Mrs. Afton and got a little bit of the toast onto the fork.

"Try it! It tastes really good, I want you to have a little bit of this before you go!" William exclaimed with a huge smile on his face, making Mrs. Afton giggle a little bit from his silliness.

"Alright, I will!" Mrs. Afton laughed as she leaned towards the fork and took a bite, enjoying the food that she made for her husband.

William waited patiently to see Mrs. Afton's reaction, excited to see if she likes it. Mrs. Afton slowly started to smile and then swallowed the food.

"You're right, it does taste good. I'm glad to know that you like it, I hope that you enjoy the rest of it and the milk." She said, looking at William's excited eyes.

William's smile grew bigger hearing those words. Mrs. Afton checked her watch and noticed that she had to go, so she went over to the dresser and grabbed her bag. William watched as she practically ran to get her bag, slowly getting off the bed and grabbing her waist and giving her a small kiss before she hurried away.

"I love you, my dear. Thank you." William thanked her, even though Mrs. Afton was already out of the room.

William turned back to the bed and grabbed the plate and started to eat and enjoyed the breakfast his wonderful wife made him, savoring every bite.


Creator Notes -

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this! This was just a little story idea I had this morning and I thought it would be nice to write it out on here
Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day or night! Be sure to take care of yourself, stay hydrated, eat enough food, and get enough sleep!
Published November 1, 2021

(773 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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