Chapter 2: Road to Corinth (part 2)

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A computer virus has built armies of robotic soldiers and taken control of our world. But there is still one place we can be safe...

The Domed City of Corinth

And the only hope we have left is...

Y/n's POV
"What do you mean 'What's a Power Ranger'?" Ziggy shouts at Dillon and I, but I was surprised he didn't know what a Power Ranger was but not really, I guess. And I'm confused too.

"There!" Ziggy said, pointing at the guy who was charging at another group of grinders with a sword.

"That!" He then motions to the boy in blue using some sort of cannon.

"Those!" He motions to the weapons used by the Rangers, amazed at what they could do.

"Street Saber Strike!" the red one yelled as he used the power of his sword on the attack bot.

"Whoa!" Ziggy whispers, still watching the fight.

"Turbo Cannon!" the blue ranger yelled as he unleashed the cannon on his enemies. "Fire!"

Then I see the blonde girl in yellow pull out her own weapon.

"Zip Charger! Activate!" the girl in yellow yelled as her weapon zipped off of her arm and attacks the attack bot.

"Ignition Spear Slash!" the girl in cyan shouted as she used her spear on the attack bot.


Third Person's POV
Y/n, Dillon, and Ziggy got out and stood in front of the car to get a better view of the fight.

"There he is!" Summer yelled, joining her teammates and spotting the attack bot.

"I see him!" Flynn added, seeing the bot too.

"Quick! Combine weapons!" Scott ordered.

Y/n and the two people she made the journey to Corinth with, watched on as the Rangers attacked the attack bot.

"ROAD Blaster!" Scott said as he and his team held their weapon. "Engine Cell, Activate!"

"Target Locked!"

"FIRE!" they yelled together, firing their weapon. The blaster shot out a blast the shape of a hawk.

"Direct hit!" Scott said.

The blast hit the attack bot, causing a massive explosion and sending the bot flying backwards.

"Whoa!" Y/n said, looking at the attack bot on the ground.


In Venjix's Palace

"Venjix, sir," General Shifter called for his master. "Our attack bot is offline."

"Right! That's the bad news," another one of Venjix's henchmen said. "But there is good news!"

"There had better be!" Venjix shouted.

"Corinth's shields are not back to full power," General Shifter reported to Venjix. "The city is vulnerable!"

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