The Realization

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Josh's POV: it has been about a month of living in the new dorm room that we hardly even remembered what had happened a month ago although there is still some lingering tension from the situation i can tell i had just finished my media class this afternoon and i promised Nessa we would go the study area or place to hang out for a minute

Josh: hey lovely

Nessa; hi how was your last class

 she asks as i sit down next to her on the lounging chairs

Josh: it was great

Charli: hey nessa B

nessa: is that your new nick name for me now charli

Dixie: you know it is

Nessa: great..

Chase; whats up ness

Nessa; nothing much huddy

she states as she sees grace tony mads and jaden at a table a few feet away

Charli: do you want to go somewhere else

Nessa: no its fine in fact i am going to get more comfortable

Dixie: huh

she repllies quickly as nessa gets up and sits on josh's lap

Dixie; oh okay i see 

Jaden's POV: this past month has been hell i dont understand why my friend group cant see that this ruined our group more than it would have if me and nessa got together that day

Mads; jaden.. what are you looking at

Jaden: nothing its nothing

i say shaking it off as pay attention to the needy girl beside me

Grace: you guys want to go to a halloween party tonight for halloween

Tony; i mean why not

Mads; yeah of course that would be fun

Jaden: yeah...

-Over with Nessa-

Nessa's POV: attempting to even focus on the music homework i have to complete this degree i found myself still looking at jaden in the slightest

Charli: hey we can go somewhere else ness its okay

she states noticing what she was looking at

Nessa: no no its fine

she says gripping joshs arm that were wrapped around her

Dixie: hey guys theres this stupid party do yall want to go..

Chase; that wouldnt be a bad idea considering its halloween

Josh: ness you want to

Nessa: yeah why not

we finished up studying at the hang out space and headed back to the dorm room as i head into my room to figure out what i was even going to wear for this party as charli walked in

Charli: ughh i have no idea what i want to be 

Nessa; im sure you will figure it out char ask chase

Charli: truee.. what are you going to be

Nessa: cheerleader because why not jaden and i said thats what we were going to be as friends before this happened so ig why not

Charli: does josh know this

Nessa; of course he does i really didnt want to figure any thing else out honestly

i replied as i recieved a notifcation from ...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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