A Night To Remember

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Lance woke up with something tickling his nose. He felt his arms wrapped around something warm, his fingers in something soft and smooth. He regained his full consciousness and once he realized exactly what, or, who, he was cuddling, he froze. He was cuddling Keith in his arms.

Keith was clinging onto him, and clinging hard. His breathing hitched and his eyebrows furrowed. Lance's face boomed in red blush, what is happening? He thought. He tried to push Keith off of him, but that made Keith only cling harder. The pale boy whined in his sleep, not wanting to let go of the comforting warmth.

"Keith?" Lance whispered softly, no response came but a sniffle. Lance then acknowledged the feeling of something wet on his robe. Was it drool? The Cuban boy managed to move Keith just enough to see his face clearly. Strands of hair were sticking to his face, a few tears falling, quiet and soft sobs coming from Keith's mouth.

Lance felt a shock of worry shoot through him. His first instinct was to pull Keith close once again. He ever so gently brushed away the strands of hair that were sticking to Keith's face. Keith looked miserable as if he was in a lot of pain. Lance slowly sat up, Keith's hand which was originally on his chest, slid down to his hips. Lance couldn't help but get flustered from how close Keith's hand was to his, um, crotch.

He slowly pushed Keith's hand away. Lance sat still on the bed they shared, staring down at the boy he lay next to. What is causing Keith to cry in his sleep? Well, there's only one way to find out. Ask him. Lance let out a sigh. He placed a hand on Keith's side and lightly shook him. "Keith." He called out, no answer.

"Keith," He repeated, a bit louder and shaking him a bit more. "Keith, wake up." Lance shook Keith harder, now succeeding. Keith groaned then a yawn followed. "Lance...?" Keith said, his voice a bit groggy. Keith wiped his wet cheeks, letting out a big yawn. "Why the fuck did you wake me up?" He said a bit annoyed.

Lance had forgotten true reason why he woke him up, he felt like he needed to comfort him in a way. "You were crying in your sleep, I was... a little worried." Keith didn't respond after that. After a moment of silence, Lance's curiosity peeked. The tone of his voice was gentle, caring, comforting.

It made Keith feel safe like he can be vulnerable around Lance. Though that made him feel more comfortable, he was still hesitant, really hesitant. This wasn't just a nightmare, it was memories, memories that Keith wanted to forget, memories that burdened him, memories that pained him.

Keith didn't realize the tears running down his cheeks until Lance's voice interrupted him. "Hey..." Lance said, his voice similar to a whisper. Along came a sigh that escaped the tan boy's lips, then suddenly, Keith felt gentle arms wrap around him.

Lance engulfed him into a pretty tight embrace but yet, Keith felt secure, he could feel his heart soften drastically, he never received a hug since Shiro left for the mission in Kerberos.

Keith couldn't keep his composure any longer, he broke down into sobs while being in Lance's arms. This made Lance's heart break. In his eyes, Keith was always this person who was untouchable, unbreakable, tough, insensitive, somebody who wasn't the type to crack, and yet here he was, crying on Lance's shoulder. Lance wasn't sure what to do, all he could do now was rub Keith's back and allow him to pour all his emotions out.

Lance started to slowly sway left and right, cradling Keith in his arms, attempting to calm him down. And with a soft, gentle voice, he said;

"Shh, I got you buddy. Don't worry, Keith, you're safe. I won't let anything hurt you. I'm right here, calm down. Nothing is going to happen to you. You're safe with me."

Those words stuck out the most. Those words kept repeating like an endless loop in Keith's head. He clung onto Lance tightly, as if afraid that he will vanish and find himself alone again.

Lance started to hum a little song, the vibrating of his body reminded Keith of those massage chairs you find in spas or malls. Then, those soft melodies turned into full words, forming a song.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take, my sunshine away. The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms. And now that you're here, my dreams are waking. And I will keep you from all harm."

When Lance said the last line, he gently stroked Keith's hair. Showing that this is what Lance is doing right now. Lance's mom would sing this specific song to him when he was a child, it was his comfort song. A song he knew by heart. And he shared this precious song that he loved so much, with Keith.

Lance was a natural at singing, his voice so comforting, smooth, and angelic. It made Keith feel at ease, his breathing still shaky but no more tears came out of the poor boy's red and puffy eyes. Lance continued to sing, rocking Keith in his arms as if he were a child.

After a while of doing this, Keith's breathing steadied.

"You feeling better?" Lance asked, not pulling away from Keith. He felt the boy nod on his shoulder, then the weight disappeared as Keith pulled away, keeping his head hung low. "Yeah, thanks." Keith's voice sounded sore from all the sobbing he did. Lance took a good look at him.

Lance knows everybody has feelings and emotions, but this, this was Keith Kogane. He was known as the 'hothead' of the team, Lance always saw him as competition. But now, he saw a side to him, a side to him he never thought Keith had, a vulnerable and broken side. Lance kept staring at him, this changed his view on Keith forever.

"Sorry for waking you up." Keith said, breaking the silence between them. Lance then recalled what he saw when he woke up, he felt his heartbeat increase in speed. "I-it's okay. Don't worry about it." Lance couldn't help but stutter. Keith laid back down the bed, curling up in the blanket. "Wanna go back to sleep?" Keith said with his face squished against the cold pillow with one eye open and his bedhead scattered.

'He looks so beautiful, what the fuck!'

Lance seemed to malfunction, he was burning in blush, he was redder than the red lion itself. He was lucky the lights were off. He pulled the blanket over himself and laid next to Keith. "Night, Lance" Keith smiled softly at him, not realizing that the boy in front of him was screaming internally. "Sleep well, pretty boy" Keith smiled brightly at that pet name, but Lance was mentally cursing himself.

They both drifted to sleep, no longer cuddling after but their hands managed to collide together. Keith didn't have any nightmares after that, he felt safe with Lance. And they both know that this certainly was, a night to remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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