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{Junko}"wow mukuro~! Look at how disgusting the town is. I should really make these worthless peasents clean up..."

{Mukuro} "I shall notify everyone of your order once we get back."

{Junko}"you better."

[Kirigiri.]~~:[ She'd stroll along the street, her shoes making a light tapping noise as she approached the two subconsciously. ]:

{Junko}"Mukuro, Dont you think you should pay better attention to me then anything else? Did you even hear what i just said?"

Mukuro"...Yes miss, No miss."

[Kirigiri.]~~''Ah--'' :[ The female would bump into Mukuro, stumbling forward. ]:

{Mukuro}"gyah-" *blushies*

{Junko}"god dammit mukuro!"

[Kirigiri.]~~''My sincerest apologies!--''

{Mukuro}"n-no worries."

{Mukuro}"are you alright-"

[Kirigiri.]~~''I believe so, yes.''

{Mukuro}"Thats good."

{Junko}"if your down being nuh-ice or whatever they call it, you should call a carriage so i dont have to waste my energy."

[Kirigiri.]~~''I'm sorry for wasting your time, I'll be taking my leave now.''

{Junko}"good idea..."

{Mukuro}"My apologies your magesty, i will call someone immediatly"


[Kirigiri.]~~:[ She strolled off. ]:

~Like an hour later or smthin-~

{Junko}"mukuro, be a dear and wait for the one who asked to meet with me..."

{Mukuro}"not to be a bother, but im not so sure what Her Magesty Kirigiri looks like..."

{Junko}"which is exactly why i cant look for her, Just sit at the door."

Mukuro"yes, mistress."

Junko"thank you."

Mukuro*sits next to door*

[Kirigiri.]~~:[ Kirigiri would swing open the doors, scanning the room. ]: ''I see you've come.''

Junko"Princess Kyoko Kirigiri, I presume?"


Junko"Mukuro come back."

[Kirigiri.]~~''Merciless Ruler, Queen Junko?''

Junko"The one and only."

Mukuro*walks back to junkos side bc yeah-*

Junko"so you had something you wanted to talk to me about?"

[Kirigiri.]~~''Yes, actually.''


[Kirigiri.]~~''It's about our two kingdoms, you're highness.''

Junko"our two kingdoms? Whatever about them?"

[Kirigiri.]~~''I wish to form a peace treaty, your majesty.''

Junko"a peace treaty?"

Junko"interesting proposal~!"

Junko"But why?"

[Kirigiri.]~~''I wish for both of our kingdoms to flourish and prosper in peace, for us to live as equals.''

Mukuro"Mistress, if i may?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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