Chapter 2: Oxytocin

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They don't make up.

Which is unsurprising, because both of them are refusing to talk about it.

(Amicably, at least).

"I told them to make up!" Cat hisses under her breath, sitting next to Amelia at the cafeteria table. "Now they're like... this!"

Across from them, Skara and Boscha are seated next to each other but their usual proximity has evaporated. Instead of Boscha's arm slung over Skara, Skara wiping Boscha's cheek whenever she gets sauce on it, both wordlessly sharing food, they're sitting at opposite ends of the booth. Arms folded, they avoid eye-contact with each other.

"Can you pass the ketchup?" Skara asks, voice taut. She's running on three hours of sleep and several shots of espresso. She doesn't have patience for anything right now.

Boscha scoffs, sliding it over while her eyes bore a hole into the wall. "Oh, so I can do that for you? How generous."

Skara's eye twitches. "Can you not-"


Cat sets her drink down loudly, drawing both of their attention. "Will both of you stop?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to eat here!" Amelia adds, biting into her hot dog.

"It wasn't even me!" Skara protests. "She's the one who won't stop-"

"What's that?" Boscha interrupts, holding a hand to her ear. "Sorry! Can't hear you over the sound of me being right!"

Skara reaches into her bag and pulls out a megaphone she stole from Gus the other day, when he wasn't looking. She needed it more than he did anyway. She turns to face Boscha, flipping the megaphone on and shoving it into her friend's face. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?"

Boscha jumps in her seat and covers her ears, scowling. "NO."

"That's it!" Cat stands abruptly, her chair skittering across the floor. "Until you two get your shit together, I cannot deal with..." she makes a vague gesture towards them, "this. Amelia, come."

"Okie-dokie." Amelia follows Cat as she stalks off, looking over her shoulder to stick her tongue out at Boscha just before they disappear around the corner.

"What crawled up her ass and died?" Boscha mutters, forking another piece of steak into her mouth.

Skara sets the megaphone down on the table. "I cannot believe you."

Boscha winks at her. "I know, I'm pretty out of this world."

"Oh fuck off."

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Skara counters.

"It was cancelled."

"I find that hard to believe."

"You're religious, aren't you?" Boscha places a hand to her chest. "Have a little faith."

"I'm agnostic."

"Same thing."

"It's not?"

Boscha's eyes narrow. "Isn't that the one with space Jesus?"

Skara presses her lips together, holds back a laugh. "No."

"Damn." Boscha turns away, and takes a long sip of her drink. She puts it down, remembering something. "Crap, I have to go pick up something from the store for rugby." She slides her drink over to Skara. "Here. I can't finish it anyway."

"Is it drugged?"

Boscha rolls her eyes, and picks up her drink as she stands. "Y'know, for a second there I forgot how mad I am at you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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