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"so your appointment is in 2 weeks." mike says and marks it on his phone, "ooh, do we get to see the gender?" he gasps and looks at me.

"no, this is the first one. i don't think we get to see that till the eighteenth to twentieth week." i tell him and drink the water i have in my hands.

we're at the cafe downstairs of the office eating lunch to talk things through.

we talked most things but the most important is telling the family.

i feel like abuela would be happy but mad.

but dad would be mad then happy.

he frowns and nods, "oh, your morning sickness. did the doctor give you those things that can stop it?"

"yes, she gave me medication." i nod as he nods back, "no drinking, no v—"

"i know, mike. i know." i reassure him as he nods.

"she said no anxiety pen so she gave me some medication for that and other stuff." i say as he nods once more, "so baby na—"

"we don't even know the gender, mike." i cut him off with a small smile.

he sighs out.

"we can figure all this out later but as for now, breaking the news to family because the next meet-up is soon and i don't need to show up with a giant bump the next next time." i say as he groans, "so we have to inform snotty sarah and ugly hugo?"

"if they're invited, i'm afraid so." i chuckle quietly as he rolls his eyes, "why do we even invite them?"

"because hugo is hugh's brother and if we invite hugh, we invite hugo." i inform him as he grumbles something and then nods.

"okay," i sip on my straw, "now we talk bb names!" i giggle as he gives me a look, "but you sai—"

"what did i say, huh?" i ask, "are you accusing me here?"

"what!? no!" he cries out as i nod, "good. now we talk." i huff as he nods slowly, "okay," he murmurs.

i nod in satisfaction, "good."


pregnancy el is mean.

all i asked was if she wanted me to walk her to her car.

and she screamed at me in spanish saying, "puedo caminar por mi cuenta! ¿estás dudando de mis habilidades para caminar porque estoy embarazada!? (i can walk on my own! what, are you doubting my walking skills because i am pregnant!?)"

i had no idea what she was screaming at if i'm being honest.

i think that's why she yelled more but just because i grew up with her, doesn't mean i'll understand her angry spanish.

i sometimes understand her nice spanish but that's only if she uses the easy words.

well now i'm driving her home because she didn't drive today apparently but she yelled at me like i was supposed to know.

now she's singing in the car and i'm wondering if she's already in the fucking hormonal stage or is she just dramatic like usual.

"here is your stop." i say and turn off the music.

i expect her to yell at me for turning the music off but instead she says, "thanks for driving me."

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