Chapter two.

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"Mummy, mummy! Come and play over here! Daddy wants to play!" My daughter calls for me, with her brown, curly mop of hair bouncing in her pigtails. She's jumping around in front of the slide. The smell of freshly cut grass tingle's my nose as the sun warms me up. This is bliss. "Come on, mummy! I want to go on the big girls slide."

"Be patient, Emilia!" I giggle and take three steps towards her before she vanishes and the world around me goes black. The temperature drops and the sweet smell turns vile. I wrap my arms around my body, trying to contain some heat "Hello?" I call out, not expecting an answer. "Hello, darling." I hear from behind me. I swiftly turn around and look into the hypnotising brown eyes that greet me. Suddenly, everything feels a little bit better in the presence of this stranger.

"Babe! Thank god you are here!" I say before wrapping my arms around the unknown man. The comforting smell of chocolate and vanilla radiates off of him and I end up hugging tighter. Why do I seem relieved to be in his arms? I don't even know him.

I scream at myself to let go, but my body doesn't oblige. He hugs back and places his freshly-shaven chin on top of mine. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to do that, but you need to go back." His soothing whispers to me, his warm breath causing goose bumps on the back of my neck.

"What do you mean?" I muffle into his chest, still not completely sure of whom he is.

"I mean it's time to wake up." He almost whimpers. "Wake up baby."

I open my eyes trying to work out what's dream and what's reality, the sheets soft and warm under my hand. It feels like I only fell asleep about 10 minutes ago. I lift my body up with a groan and rub my eyes, who are still adjusting to the searing light seeping through the thin, cream curtains.

Was that a dream? It felt so real. Who was that man? It was almost like he was faceless, apart from his eyes. His russet brown eyes are clear as day in my head, almost as if I had painted them and permanently drilled into my brain. I shake my head, clearing my mind of the confusing questions roaming around in there. Then, I let out an arm-stretching yawn, which is promptly followed by my leg's somehow finding the energy to take themselves out of the comfy duvet and slam my feet onto the cold wooden floor.

I manage to drag myself into the shared bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I gasp at the zombie that faces me. How do I look this tired? Deep purple bags are more than prominent under my blue eyes and my mascara slowly making its way down to my jaw. The nude pink Rimmel lipstick I was wearing yesterday has relocated to my cheek and my dyed blonde hair is in matted clumps at the top of my head.

After pulling out thousands of grips and forcing a brush through my hair, it begins to look somewhat presentable. I scrape it up into a messy ponytail and secure it with a pink hair tie I found on the black floor by the sink, before getting undressed and stepping into the hot shower.

As the powerful jet of water hits my body, I remind myself of the stupid shower we have at home. My stepdad, Micky, tried to fix it himself once and almost flooded the house. I was left having baths with Poppy, my little sister for 3 months.

After my shower, I wrap one of Natalia's warm pink towels around my body and make my way to the kitchen, where I am greeted with the smell of coffee and bacon.

"Morning!" I chirp at Nat.

 "More like afternoon!" She laughs. I glance up at the clock, next to the door. 12:17 pm. "Why didn't you wake me up? We could have done something with the morning!" I pout to her.

 "Let's be honest, we'd end up on Tumblr and watching re-runs of FRIENDS episodes. And those few too many glasses of wine you had last night when we got back may explain why you can't remember anything" She says before handing me my plate with a bacon

Dependent ¦¦ a Dan Howell fanfiction.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant