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I go home and see my mom is home.

"Hey honey how was school?" I hear my mom say as I walk through the door.

"It was good" I lie. I'm just glad she doesn't know about this morning or else she would have flipped out on me. "I'm going up to my room" I say.

She nods and continues to stir Mac n cheese in the pot on the stove.

Me and my mom are in very bad debt right now and each night I email my dads company. I know that he's looked at the emails. I just don't have enough money to go see him in Florida.

I'm off of work today which I'm very happy about. I work at the mall in Hollister but everyone else who works there ignores me. I don't really have many friends, it's because I always push them away from me.

All of a sudden I felt my phone buzz.

Hey babe ;)

K: Who is this?

S: Shawn

K: Oh, hi...

S: So when do u want to hang out?

K: Well I have work tomorrow and then the day after that, so either tonight or in like 3 days

S: How about tonight?

K: Sure

S: But we can't go to my house

K: Um okay, well if you make yourself not smell like smoke and put some real clothes on then you can come over

S: Fine, but I'm only doing this for u...

K: Okay see ya soon, btw my address is (some fucking random address)

S: K bye babe ;)

K: Don't call me that...

As I wait for Shawn I do my homework. Then I hear the doorbell ring and I immediately get this feeling in my stomach that I shouldn't be doing this.

I run to the door and open it before my mother can. My mouth opens wide. Holy Shit. Shawn looks fucking hot.

"Hello Mrs. Bryson. Kate invited me over." Shawn says as my mother immediately starts talking to him. She is probably really shocked because I haven't invited anyone over before and that the person I invited over was a guy. And that guy was fucking hot.

We all go sit in the living room and my mom asks Shawn to tell her about himself. Of course he makes these bullshit lies just to try and impress my mother and he thinks I'm buying it too, but honestly I'm not buying anything he's saying.

"Alright well this was a nice chat, you two can go to Kate's room and hangout" my mother says. No. I don't want to be in a room, alone, with him.

"That would be great. It was really nice talking to you Mrs. Bryson." Shawn says as he grabs my hand and drags me down the hallway and into my room. He probably knew which one was my room because mine was bright blue and the rest of the walls in this house were a cream color.

He lets go of my hand and leaves me standing at the doorway as he belly flops on my bed. I walk over to my bed and lay down.

"So why did you want to come over?" I ask.

"Because my parents were so close from kicking me out so I just wanted to get away from them and get my mind off of it."

"That's not a surprise. And by the way, I didn't believe any of those bullshit lies you were telling."

He smirks and says, "I knew you wouldn't but your mother seems pretty gullible so I couldn't help myself."

The rest of the night we talk and laugh and I get to know Shawn better. I actually had fun with Shawn tonight.

"Well I should get going. We should do this more often." Shawn says getting up.

"Yeah we should" I say getting up. He comes over to me and gives me a hug. I decided to hug back because tonight was actually the first time I hung out with someone who wasn't family.

"Bye babe" he whispers.

"Do not call me that."

"I'm gonna call you whatever I want to call you." And here comes his demanding side. He's always so demanding.

"Fine, bye Shawn" I say letting go of the hug, "And good luck with your parents."

"Thanks I'm gonna need it, bye" He says walking out my bedroom door. I lay back down on my bed and think about tonight.

The way he laughs.

The way he looks at me.

The way he try's to impress me.

I think this boy likes me.

But I'm not sure if I like him back.

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