Chapter 3: The Life

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That day, Kion and Kiara were walking along searching for their little brother.

"Ukali? I know you're out here somewhere." Kion called.

Kiara said, "Mother's calling for lunch. There's a Zebra for you!"

Still there was no response from the tall grass. "Hm. Maybe he's not here." Kion turned around, so did Kiara but just as they did a young lion cub pounced on them from behind.

"There you are. We've been searching for you for a while!" Kiara said, winking at Kion; the trick worked.

They led the cub to the Pride Rock. There a lioness was eating a Zebra.

"There you are. I've been waiting for quite some time." Nala said. "Don't wander off right before lunch. At least tell us."

"I understand, mom."

"Good. The prides eaten so there's little left. Eat now." Nala gently pushed the cub near the Zebra. The lioness ripped off a chunk of the carcass for the small lion.

Ukali ate, while his siblings and him chatted about what the best food was.

"Zebra." Chirped the cub.

"Gazelle." Kiara said.

"No, buffalo is better." Kion murmured.

"Hey, Kion, Kiara, what's the Circle of Life? I heard that old Rafiki talking about it."

Before they could explain, the trip was interrupted by a small bird calling from above.

"Hi Ono! How are you?" Kion asked.

"I'm fine... just..." the bird panted. "Jackals causing some trouble, you've got to come see it. Just because we are not the Lion Guard anymore doesn't mean that we can sit here and just watch."

The golden lion got to his paws. He was a teenager now, with reddish mane starting to grow.

"Let's go!" He said.

The two animals went away, One flying fast and the lion sprinting off really fast.

"Why can't I go." Ukali tone made it clear he was upset.

"Oh. You're a bit young for this. It'll be dangerous. So please stay out of it." Kiara said this which made Ukali feel better.

A while later Kion returned with his former Lion Guard members, and the current Guard. The leader of the Lion Guard was Vitani. For some reason, though she was known for her ferocity in battle, she was still a good friend to Kion and his group. Strangely, she'd glance at Ukali a lot. Her brother, Kovu, a dark furred lion about 16 years of age, also looked at him a lot.

Ukali was friends with all of them.

"How're you?" Fuli asked Ukali.

"I'm great! How about you?" The cub said, bursting with happiness.

"Oh, I'm fine."

Beshte and Bunga, whom Ukali thought highly of (because of their humour) were talking about the time when Bunga saved anther Badger from a hyena years ago.

"And I was like, 'yeah, run away, fear my wrath, hyenas!'"

Ukali happily chirped.

"Hey, 'Kali." Kion said.

"Yes?" The tiny cub smiled and turned towards him with affection on his eyes.

It made Kion think whether he was going to regret what he was hoping to say.

"Um. You know I love you, lil bro. But I have to leave soon."

"Oh, where? To hunt?" He guessed.

"No, I have to change where I live. I have to go. And be King of the Tree of Life. There's gonna be a queen too - Rani." Kion was sad but his eyes shined.

"Ohh. You already told me about The Tree of Life." He paused. "Wait, you're going to leave?" Kion nodded. "I'm gonna miss you."

He burst into tears and buried his tiny head into his brother.

"Why is Ukali crying?" Simba appeared without warning.

"Dad, I told him. I mean, that I would have to leave."

Simba understood and calmed Ukali down. "You can visit and he'll come here, you know?"

Ukali calmed down abit.

His life was alright. Food, siblings, etc.

Little did he know, it was about to take a U-turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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