Wait what?!

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Nobody's  POV

Adam got Fallon on a stretcher and wheeled her away, the rest of the family stood there..scared, shocked

"Fallon didn't know did she?" Kirby's voice was wavering she sounded worried as hell

"I don't think she did, yesterday morning and the night before she was drinking I got worried when I heard she didn't come back home and went to her office to look for her I walked in and saw a HUGE mess, Fallon was extremely hungover and was drinking and still wanted more, you messed her up pretty well didn't you Liam?" Amanda was angry

"Wh- I didn't mean to and you know it, she cheated on me for god's sake!" Liam felt a wave of guilt crashed all over him

Everyone gasped except for Amanda and Liam

"What no your lying, Fallon wouldn't do that she loves you!" Sam was trying hard to persuade himself that she wouldn't do that be he knew that Fallon has the intention of doing it most times


"it's true" A voice was heard and everyone looked back at the door

It was the man himself

Colin McNaughton

"Really sorry about that by the way didn't know you didn't call a divorce lawyer...or that you still have feelings for her" Liam was angry that he showed up but he heard concern and guilt in his voice that made him calm down

"It's fine, I know you weren't aware" Liam didn't want to start a fight..especially not right now

"Um I wanted to just drop these off" Colin put a bouquet of flowers on the hospital table

"But where's the patient?" Colin was confused with why everyone was in an empty hospital room in the ICU

"We-" Liam got cut off by Amanda

"She's pregnant results just came in and they are checking if something happened or not"

"Amanda why would you tell him that?!" Liam was mad at her, he didn't want Colin to get involved with this whole situation, would make it more personal on their love life I mean they just started trying to renew their relationship again but he didn't want Colin in the middle of it..again

"Wait what?!" Colin was..scared, I mean Fallon was a good friend to him and in his opinion the best one night stand he's ever had but the thought of her carrying her ex business rival/frenemy's child is..well shocking and pretty scandalous

"Wait did she know?!" Colin wanted to know if she was lying to him by firing him and running away with Liam to raise it

"No she didn't if she did she wouldn't have drank" Blake was disgusted to hear what his daughter had been doing but he blamed himself and Alexis a little..I mean they did cheat on each other in their marriage didn't they?

"Look all we know is that she just got shot and that gun shot could've killed her and the baby!" Sam was worried as hell and everyone can see it, hell they can hear it

"Do you guys even want a baby?" Kirby wanted answers , she wanted her best friend to live a good life and for her niece/nephew to have his/her father around, they answered at the same time

"Yes" Colin always wanted children

"Maybe" Liam was still thinking about it after the Connor incident

"What do you mean maybe?" Cristal was curious

"Well, Fallon and I haven't talked about kids since Connor and I haven't really had the time to think about it" Liam was thinking about it as he was talking

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