^Chapter two^

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You guys stand there and it's a bit awkward cause he has yet to release your arm..

"This is y/n she's our newest member and she's already more important to me than all of you so treat her well." He spats making eye contact at spinner who didn't look pleased to see a new person

"She's sooooo pretty shigaraki! Can we keep her forever? OOOO can she be my bestie?" Toga jumps around bubbly

"If she wants to be your friend that's on her not me.."

"Dabi, spinner, compress, and twice why don't you be more friendly and talk?" Kurogiri suggests

"Right, I'm Dabi my quirk is blue fire.."

"I'm twice, and my quirk is double"

"I'm spinner and my quirk is gecko.."

"Hello, my name is compress darling. My quirk is compress"

"Wow nice to meet ya boys. Um hey toga what was your quirk again?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you! My quirk is blood manipulation"

"Lit, So I'm really here not dreaming right?"

"Yes your here ms. Y/n" kurogiri reassuringly says

You guys all have been introduced, even though you knew everything they just said you pretended you didn't, you didn't want Tomura to see you so obsessed with him..

"Ok, toga twice you guys are scouting recruits in the alleys near here, Dabi, spinner you go to the far away ones and compress your off tonight." Tomura says turning away pulling you with him

"Wait what about me Tomura?" You said slightly sad

"Your with me, we are gonna work on some other stuff"

"Oh okay!"

Everybody separates and you and Tomura walk back to your both room he pulls out his phone and starts typing you try to peek over but he's too tall, he stops then starts scrolling and shows you the phone.

"Your face is all over the news we might have to change your appearance a bit"

"Alright no big deal I don't mind"

"Great so we need to get some dye.. we have some down in the extra storage closet"

"Ok, for now I can wear a hoodie I think I grabbed one"

"Ok grab it"

He let go of you finally and you walked over to your bag running through it but no sight of a hoodie, you panicked you'd have to go back for it then you'd get caught

"Tomura... I have to go back I don't have any hoodies"

"No you don't. Use mine for now"

"I- um are you sure? I'm a random girl"

"I'm sure, plus your not random your very special darling"

"I- ok where's your hoodies?"

"In the closet"

You nod and walk over to the closet and grab a black one. It smells like him, you loved it!

"Ready y/n?"

"Sure where are we going"

"The nomu factory, you need to see what we will be doing with the recruits"

"Oh alright sounds fun to me come on Tomura"

"I'm coming calm down"

"Right right haha"

|His Crimson Eyes| ~ Fem y/n x Tomura Shigaraki ~ Where stories live. Discover now