Chapter 14: Trust Issues

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Recap: After receiving a power boost to his nanobots from the mysterious lightning-throwing clones, Brandon defeated two powerful augmented members of Agent Corrales' team. Ryan was injured in the stampede of the crowd from the battle, and the  clones were getting him to safety in an SUV. Now Ryan found himself surrounded by three military helicopters, filmed by a news helicopter, and unsure where the clones were taking his friend.

Author's Note: Wow! Super close vote on this one. In fact, I waited an extra day to see if that made a difference and the votes were still coming in neck and neck. In the end Option #2 beat Option #3 by only 2 votes when I counted. I love it when it's that close.

Winning Choice: I need to ditch Corrales' crew as quickly as possible and get to the SUV without drawing attention to it.

I rise into the air just a few feet over the top of the water.

With three military gunships pointing who-knows-what weapons at me, a news helicopter recording every move, and hundreds of civilians staring at it all, I'm the center of attention. That I just considered all these people "civilians" isn't lost on me. I'm not quite like them anymore, and just the simple fact that I exist changes their world. Am I changing it for better or for worse is what they're all going to wonder, and I'm not sure I have an answer for them yet.

The news reporters in the helicopter have seen enough. I'd love to shine a light on what's really going on, but I'll have to trust that if they're worth their paychecks they already have enough footage to give them the story of the century.

And as much as I'd love to take down Corrales and his new toys, the price would be too high. Ryan is still my priority. The clones said they would help, but I really don't know what they're after. It isn't until you really learn someones motivations that you know whether you can trust them or not. I need to get back to Ryan.

"Susan, do you still have track of the SUV?"

"Yeah, they've pulled away from the Bellagio. Ryan's in the back. It looks like they're headed to the freeway," she says.

Tyler cuts into the channel. "I've got the department of transportation cameras up, but traffic is pretty heavy. We could still lose them."

"I'm on my way," I reply.

"Move out of the fountain and lay face down on the pavement," booms Corrales from his helicopter. I wonder if he really expects me to comply. I doubt it, which means he's ready to take me down. I need some cover, and fortunately I'm surrounded by something that just might work.

I reach into the water with my mind, trying to picture invisible hands reaching out from me like I did in the casino at the roulette table. This time, though, I picture the hands of a giant scooping up huge amounts of water. The weight of the water is more than I expected and I have a hard time staying aloft above the surface. Still, it raises a nice bubble of water up around my feet, which should be plenty for the next step.

I extend my arms, angle my hands, and start to spin. I accelerate as fast as I can, and the results are spectacular. Or at least I think they are. The water fountains up around me in a huge spray, powered by a combination of my telekinesis and the wind from my spinning. It's not exactly a water spout, but it's a huge column of mist and water that you can't see through at all.

The water and wind roars in my ears, but through it I can still hear Corrales yell something else from the speakers on the helicopters. I doubt it's a compliment on my technique, so I prepare to run. I give one last burst of speed, then leap through the column of water to the side of the fountain.

The idea is to have the water show cover my escape so while everyone is watching it I can speed off and get to the SUV. The thing that I didn't really consider, but seems obvious now, was that I would be dizzy as hell.

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