Chapter One

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You had been sitting there for hours. The DWMA had taken you into custody a little while ago. You had been accused of aiding a witch. The only thing you had to do was bounce a ball against the cold stone walls of your cell.
"Could you quiet down...?"
You heard a voice. It was quiet, but just loud enough to hear through the stone walls. It sounded like the voice of a boy. You just ignored it and continued bouncing the ball. After a few minutes you heard a cell door opening. You saw a shy looking boy look through the bars on your cell door. His hair was bright pink and his eyes a nice shade of navy blue.
"I said quiet down...." He said, softly.
"How are you able to leave your cell?" You ask.
"Unlike you.. I have the freedom to leave... To me, it's not a cell.. It's more like a bedroom.."
"Alrighty then." You say as you turn away from him and continue to bounce the ball. The boy started to get irritated, but was too shy to try to stop you.
"What's your name..?" He asked.
"My name is y/n. How about you?"
"I'm Crona.. Why are you down here...? In this cell..."
"I was accused of helping a witch by stealing information from the school. The witch's name is...." You paused briefly to think. "Medina? No.. Madonna? No..."
"Medusa...?" He said, quietly.
"Yeah, she's the one. I think her last name is Gorgon."
Crona froze. His last name too was Gorgon, for he was her son. You looked at him, curiously.
"What's the matter? Do you know Medusa?"
"N-No..." He lied.
"Then what's worrying you?"
Crona was put on the spot. He had to think something up quickly.
"U-Um..." He fidgeted a bit, "I just think you're really cute..."
You blushed and turned away. Crona did the same.
"What have I done..?" He thought.
"Um.. When I get released.. Would you like to hang out?" You said, interrupting his thoughts.
"Sure..." He said. He was surprised because no one usually asks him to hang out.
"I'll be out at least by tomorrow afternoon."
You smiled, you too had barely any friends. You were happy. Crona accepting your invitation made your day. You decided to put the ball away. You looked for a crack in the wall that separated you and Crona. You found one large enough for a piece of paper to fit through. You wrote him a letter and slid it through the wall. It landed on his bed.

Crona x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now