rules and applications!

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in which murder begins to plague a small town in missouri causing chaos to break out. amidst the terror, an unlikely group of teenagers come together to find the killer whom they know.


001, tpwk!!! this is very important. treat other applicants and me, with respect. please don't be upset if your
oc isn't chosen! if you do get chosen, don't be a ghost reader! vote && comment, i need feedback. also, please tell me if i'm writing your character wrong, i will try my best to fix it!

002, detail! please be descriptive with your personality and background, no mind readers here! if you
want to pm me more about your oc, you are welcome to!

003, please be creative! make boys, poc, lgbtq+, etc.
also you can apply multiple times, just try to alternate between boys, girls, or non-binary folks. i might be picking
more than six oc's! perhaps another antagonist or two!

004, layout of your form! please comment your characters
name and then reply with the info. also apply where
it says apply here!

005, faceclaims! please do not used a 25+ year old as a 16-18 year old unless they can pass as a teenager! also make sure they have gifs! i will not be accepting anyone who uses people from tiktok, please use actors and actresses.

006, love interests! i'm not super sure if everyone
will have a love interest so please just put yes or no when applying.

007, password! your password is to put the book on your mb and your comfortable character

008, if someone makes another person who is like the killer's (one of my ocs) accomplice, i will love you.

my ocs are down below! ❫

❪ ex. the stubborn ❫
full name.
❪ self explanatory. ❫
❪ what does your oc like to be
called? who calls them these? ❫
❪ between 16-18 ❫
❪ either sophomore, junior, or
senior. ❫
gender and pronouns.
❪ self explanatory. ❫
❪ self explanatory. ❫
backup faceclaim.
birthday and zodiac sign.
❪ self explanatory. ❫
❪ please be detailed. ❫
❪ please be detailed. ❫
do they want a love interest?
❪ just yes or no. ❫
opinions on my ocs.
❪ how does your oc feel about my
ocs? ❫
are you okay with your oc dying?
❪ who's in their family? ❫
❪ do they have a job outside
of school? ❫
likes and dislikes.
❪ self explanatory. ❫
❪ is there anything else i need to know? ❫
❪ 4-5 things that your character would say. ❫
❪ 4+ ❫

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