My new place that gave me a roommate

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December 5, 2020
Brooklyn, New York
(New house)

"Stop trying to move things Kira!? I don't need you killing my godchild." Zander scowled at Akira as she attempted to help him with moving the furniture. "I'm not going to hurt the nugget they're fine." She said carrying a box of baby clothes that both Zander and Nora have given to me as a gift.

"It's just baby clothes Zander stop being dramatic." Akira rolled her eyes. "Unless you haven't noticed Kira you are 4 months pregnant with a child?!" He said putting a box that had the baby's cradle down. "No really? I didn't even notice." He glared at her as she once again rolled my eyes.

"You're a handful Kira. I stop and pray sometimes hoping that whoever is crazy enough to date you let alone marry you will either deal with your attitude or fuck it out of you." He hip thrust in front of her. "Like very hard." Akira puts the box of baby clothes down walking to him.

"Now why would I get married to a random person when I have my best friends in the whole world who can and will help till we're dead?" Akira quirked an eyebrow. "Because, some day you're gonna have to give that baby a dad." He says truthfully. "And as much as I would love to be this boogers dad, we both know that we don't like each other to that degree."

She sighed knowing that what he said was true. At some point they did attempt to date but it was pure awkwardness and both agreed to stay friends. But aside from that Akira knew he was right. The baby was going to need a father figure and Lord knows Zander would not be a good one being Zander does is always up to some kind of crazy antics.

"I will consider it once I start my new job." I told him. He looked surprised. "If you tell me that your work and baby are your husband I-" he cut himself off As he realized what she said. "Thank you Jesus. I was starting to believe that you were going to become a nun after the baby comes." He said making me hit him causing him to laugh.

"Anyways when do you start your new job?" Akira unlocked her phone.  "I start ..." Looking at to the calendar she began to freak out. "Today in 20 minutes oh sweet cheese." She panicked and started a quick shower and change to a black suit pants with a white blouse pairing the outfit with black and white flats.

She grabbed her red go to bag that has her necessities for work and went on. "See you later Zander." Grabbing the car keys and head to the car only to start my new job at Fosters inc. making herself ready for anything today because today's the day Akira went back to work after everything she went through.

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