- Chapter One -

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Elias' pov- 

It's a nice Saturday morning and I had the idea to invite Aaron, my boyfriend, over for a sleepover since I had not seen him in almost two weeks. I picked up my phone and messaged him "Hey, can you come over and stay the night tonight? I mean unless you're busy but I really just have like nothing to do so you can come over." I waited about 5 minutes before he replied "Yeah sure I'll come over! I'll be there in like 10 minutes." I waited by my door for him to arrive. He pulled into my driveway and came inside and I walked him to my room where we sat on my bed and watched tv. I saw him pick up his phone and start typing something. "Who are you texting?" I asked. "Oh, just Kamryn." he replied. I rolled my eyes at him "You're always texting him even though you claim that you hate him so much." I said raising one eyebrow. "Kamryn's my fuck-buddy babe I could never actually hate him." he said in a joking way. "Whatever-" I said and turned my focus back onto the tv.

Aaron's pov-

I love her so much. I always joke with her and make her annoyed because I think it's funny but I think she is starting to actually think that Kamryn is my "fuck-buddy" and I think me being pansexual is part of the reason she may be starting to believe that. I could never actually be attracted to Kamryn, though I used to have a crush on him, that was the past! I am happy in my relationship with Elias she just doesn't understand. I looked over at her and saw she looked kind of annoyed so I put my phone down "Hey, don't worry you know I'm just joking. Kamryn is gross I would never do anything sexual with him that's fucking disgusting for real." I said to her to try and assure her that I was not actually in love with my best friend or anything. "I know." she replied. I could tell she was still skeptical but I kept quiet. 

Third pov-

They cuddle on Elias' bed and watched squid games together for around two hours before falling asleep in each other's arms. Some time passed, and Aaron was woken up by the sound of his ringtone. He slowly got up trying not to wake Elias because it was around 2:30am and he wanted her to get some sleep. He checked his phone and saw that Kamryn was calling him. "Why is he calling this late at night?" he thought to himself as he walked out of the room to answer the call. He answered the phone, "Uh hello?" he said waiting for a response. "Hey! What are you doing?" Kamryn replied. "Uh, I'm at Elias' house we had a sleepover. Why?" Aaron said. "Well do you think you could drive over to my house? I'm bored and kinda want someone to hang out with." Kamryn said, hoping his answer would be yes. "I mean sure, but I can't stay for too long because I'll have to come back before Elias wakes up." Aaron said already walking out of the door to his car. "Okay! See you there!" Kamryn said hanging up the phone. Aaron got into his car and drove off to Kamryn's house. He pulled into his driveway and saw him run out of his front door towards his car. Aaron got out of the car and hugged Kamryn. "Come on, let's go inside." Kamryn said grabbing Aaron's hand and pulling him into the house. 

Kamryn's pov- 

Elias and Aaron are two of my closest friends therefore it is my job to annoy the shit out of them. Part of me hoped that Elias would wake up and notice that Aaron was gone before he got back to her house so she would be concerned and worried because I would find it funny. She always calls me an asshole and stuff and I just don't understand why. Okay, maybe I can be a jerk sometimes but I just find enjoyment out of annoying my friends. I watched as Aaron closed the door behind him and walk into my living room looking around. The lighting from the moonlight shining in from the windows onto Aaron made him look so attractive, I'm not gay or anything I just think he looks attractive. I'm allowed to think someone looks attractive without actually being attracted to them. I zoned out, watching as Aaron walked around the room with the moonlight still shining directly on him. I felt a boner start to form and quickly snapped back into reality and sat down on the couch and covered with a blanket to try and hide it. "I'm not attracted to him what the fuck why is this happening-" I thought to myself as I started to panic. I looked up and saw Aaron walking over to me. He sat close beside me "Jeez Kam, don't hog the whole blanket!" He said to me as he started shuffling around trying to get underneath the blanket as well "Make room for me baby." I froze and felt my face get hot as it turned bright red. "w-what did you call me?" I said blushing "I'm just messing with you." He said messing up my hair with his hand and giggling. 

(umm i started writing this november 2 2021 its currently september 2 2022, that bf of mine i was talking about broke up with me like almost 6 months ago so yeah.... ig i'll continue the story)

Aaron's pov-

I noticed that Kamryn looked a bit nervous, I mean his face turned bright red when I said that. I thought that was strange because well, he has a girlfriend and he's straight at least I think he is. I set my hand in his lap and felt he was hard which confused the fuck out of me. "Kam' do you have something in your pants?" I watched his face turn an even darker shade of red as he started sweating. I knew it was a boner I just wanted to pick on him a bit. "Um yeah I just set my phone in my lap that's all." Kamryn said looking away from me. I grabbed his face and turned back towards mine, locking eyes with him. I started leaning in slowly towards his lips until mine were just inches away from his. I know this is wrong I mean I have a girlfriend and so does he, but he just looks so cute it's almost too hard not to. "Fuck it" I thought to myself before smashing my lips against his. I finally did it, I've been waiting to do this for so long. I started running my fingers through his hair as I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

third pov-

Suddenly, they hear the front door open, Kamryns' parents were home. They pull away from each other and both quickly get on their phones. "You boys okay?" Kams' dad asks the two of them. "Yeah dad, we're fine." Kamryn says, trying to avoid eye contact with Aaron. His parents walk to their room. "I guess you should start heading back to Elias' house." Kamryn said finally looking back at Aaron. "Yeah I guess so." Aaron said, "Bye Kam I'll see you later" he hugged him and winked at him before leaving the house and heading back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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