Chapter 21-Yes, I want to.

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-Max's POV-

         "Max, why do you only own horror movies?" Will asks me as he browses through my movie box. I peek out at the living room from my kitchen.

          "I don't," I say. "Oh wait, that's our scary movie box"—I get up from the table and flip around the cardboard box that held a shit tone of scary movies on VHS to where the word 'HORROR' was written in big letters on the side with a sharpie—"Our other movies are right here." I point to a different (and less full) box by the TV-stand with every other genre of movie. 

"Okay, you have other movies but that doesn't excuse why you have so many scary ones," Will says.

"Well me and my mom both love horror and Billy learned to appreciate it... eventually."

"I seriously need Mike's opinion on this. Why isn't he here yet?" Will questions.

"Maybe because he lives across town," I reply.

          As if in cue there's a knock at my door. I glance back at the homework I was working on before and decide that I can do it once everyone leaves. I go to open my door to reveal Mike standing there. He smiles awkwardly and waves at me, which I respond to with a similar silent wave before I step aside. Mike rushed past me to his shorter partner on the floor. Will quickly stands up and jumps into Mike's arms. Will wrapped his legs around Mike's waist. The taller boy holds him up and rocks them both back and forth.

"Aww," I say before jokingly sticking my finger up to my mouth and making a gag sound.

"They're worse at the Byers' when Joyce is gone," El says as she steps into the main living space. "They dont how to let go of each other."

"Shuddup," Will mutters,  although it comes out muffled due to his face being buried in Mike's shoulder. "Soon I won't be able to even see his face again."

"You'll see ny face all the time," Mike starts as he sits down in the couch with Will still in his arms. "Just not as often."


          Me and El chuckle. A soft rapping noise comes from my door and I realize that must be Julie and Lucas. I was hosting a movie night for the party (minus Dustin of course). El walks to answer it this time.but before she opens the door she looks back at Mike and Will to make sure they've separated. Will sighs and climbs off of Mike and sits a reasonable distance away. El turns the doorknob and let's Lucas and Julie in.

         Julie hugs me, this time far more careful about my burns even though they aren't as sensitive now. Lucas gives me that awkward hug he always gives me. After chatting for a bit we all settle on the couch or around it. Mike and Will took the left side of the couch while me and El took the right. Lucas and Julie shared the love seat. Me and El snuggled up together under my quilt from my room as the introduction of Robin Hood played. Will was being too indecisive so he let El choose a movie. I was beginning to gather from her previous picks plus this one that El really liked animal movies.

          I glanced over to Mike and Will who were also sharing a blanket. They weren't cuddling against each other like me and El but they were clearly holding hands under the cover. I look to Julie and Lucas on the loveseat and notice that they were holding hands over the blanket.

          Suddenly my stomach twists in guilt. We had been hanging out with Julie and Lucas almost every day and they had to hide their relationship. I would have advised that they came out as a couple already but after what Dustin had said, I wouldn't have either.

The Way She Makes Me Feel-Elmax [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now