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The next morning Grayson set out to see if there were clues from the blood bank robbery. As he flipped the file it was a standard job of four in and out within ten minutes before cops could even arrive. Video footage shows three females and one male stocking bags of blood. One hovering over Camilla Wayne's name. The woman stared intently before taking all her bags.

As Grayson squinted his eyes he tried zooming on the back of her neck, closer and closer. He would squint and then magnify before being met with a startling revelation.

"Fuck!" he shouts before falling out of his seat. He quickly prints the photo before rushing out, not bothering to put whatever work was out away. As everyone was called into the batcave they stood around waiting for him. He looked startled. He rushed in, slamming the photo down onto the table. There was a tattoo of Eve's name right there. Pretty hard not to miss.

"This is edited. This is a joke!" Barbara says as she would look in disbelief.

"This isn't fucking real!" Cass says before backing out. She would grab the shovel while clenching her jaw. Everyone immediately knew and they all followed to stop her.

"Cass no! This isn't right!" Stephanie says.

"You are not digging up my dead sister's grave!" Jason screamed at her while following closely behind.

They ran to the grave. Everyone could run for miles and this was a short trip. How they breathed heavily, steading themselves so they wouldn't get winded. Cass had tears streaming, remembering the day she got that tattoo. It was the day after she arrived from being away for years. It was like everyone was holding their breath to see if it was true and not one would let go before seeing what they needed to see.

"We are doing it to settle this once and for all!" Cass screamed at them before standing over her grave. She pushed the shovel in and went to town. Hell even Duke followed out with two, giving them to Dick and Drake. Jason felt mortified at the thought of what he'd see. Whether it be withering bones or nothing at all. He didn't know how to feel about it.

As the beating sun hit them while they dug and dug they finally hit a casket. Everyone stood back as Grayson opened it up. There it was...

A big pile of nothing.

"What the fuck?" Jason said as his heart raced. "What the fuck?!"

"Oh my god..." Cassandra said.

"Who's going to tell Taylor?" Barbara said.

"Fuck, who's going to tell Bruce?!" Duke says as he would stare at them. Everyone would look back as they heard a twig snap. There was Taylor and little Eve with flowers. It was Thursday. They always come Thursday after lunch."Shit..."

"Don't tell me..." Taylor says with tears in her eyes. She would shield her daughter's eyes, hoping she wouldn't know what is happening at the moment. "Why did you do this?" she says through gritted teeth. She was growing visibly angry as the seconds went by, silence filling the empty space between us. She would lean down and whisper something in Eve's room before the small girl went running back to the house. "Now tell me what the hell is going one!" she shouts at them.

"Cam is alive," Jason says as he breathes out. "Sorry I've been waiting to say that since she got here."

"I hope you're joking but for the sake that you're not I need to know why you think this." Dick hopped out of the grave, walking over to show her the piece of paper from the security camera. She would laugh a bit, not really believing this. She slowly walked over until finally looking down upon the empty grave."Oh fuck..." She didn't realize how much of a weak stomach she had until now. Next thing you know her lunch came up and her head hit right on the grass. Everyone rushed to her side, carrying her in. They got her to Cam's room where she resided ever since her death. Barbara had a cold, wet cloth on her head, making sure she was taken care of.

Right below Bruce was also getting the news. He would hold his hands over his face, feeling sick but not enough to throw up. Even in this life she was still running around and causing chaos. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Not everyone had the same sense of humor but there wasn't anything funny about this.

"You alright there?" Dick asked as he patted his back.

"It's funny... She raised hell on his Earth before and after she's gone. This is something that would happen when she's here. Everything goes good for a few months, hell even years! Then she comes back and fucks it all up. I spent thousands on her fucking funeral just to have her not even be dead! So where the fuck is she?!" he yelled at them. They looked at each other, swallowing thickly. No one had any answer for him. He takes a breath before slamming his fists on the table. "Find the group and you'll find her." He would turn his back, walking away. It felt like those years of therapy were washing away slowly and he was going back to his old ways. Selina was getting worried as the days would go on. He wasn't as happy as he used to be with Camren. She would want to play with dolls when he got home but now he blows her off to go to his study and work.

"I'm getting worried..." Selina says softly. Dick would rub her back before taking a deep breath.

"Come on... Let's go get you some tea," he says as he would walk her to the exit.

"I'll go around town and ask if there is any other information. Everyone else... Look for clues and talk to other heroes to see if they've dealt with anything strange. Meet back here within three hours. And don't come back empty handed," Jason would say. 

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