Chapter One

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"He.. is.. mine. "

A low voice growled from behind, the stranger didn't know at the time, but he was oh, so fucked.

Sakusa Kiyoomi walked the school halls for the first time today, of course, with a fluff ball following him. Not a dog, but might as well be.
Lucky for the boy whose name was... 'Atsumu Miya', he was cute.
Just Sakusas type actually.

He met him just a few minutes ago, and.. he'd already decided to devote his life to this boy.
He whispered to himself cautiously;

"It'd be nice to see him under me, screaming in pleasure. "

He chuckled, which caught the attention of Atsumu.

"What's so funny? "

Atsumu asked, in utter confusion.

"Oh.. nothing. Just talking to myself. "

He replied, Atsumu took that answer and continued talking.

"So that's what happened! Oh yeah! Can I come over? No one is gonna be home tonight and I'm lonely. "

Atsumu started to pout like a sad puppy, so Sakusa had no choice but to accept.

"This'll be fun.. "


I hope ya liked chapter one! Chapter two should come soon!

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