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Sean Grader's P.O.V

Me, my music that was all. I was sitting on a small aircraft, flying from my home town Antonia in America to L.A. From there my dream could begin. I was flying with 6 other people on a 12 seated plane and sure it was small but that was how I liked it. That's how I wanted to live. Small, quiet, sweet. The perfect life. Not to any normal 19 year old but, perfect for me. As soon as the plane was ready for boarding I was on, strapped in ear buds turned to the fullest with Nana Mouskouri songs not bothering to listen to any in flight precautions and safety measures. As Nana continued to play I studied the people around me quite intrigued by the different personalities they could have. Take the guy sitting at the far back right of the plane. Dark coat, dark sunglasses, dark briefcase all very dark. His facial features resembled his choice of fashion. Swept back dark hair, a unshaven beard, piercing eyes that almost seem to be pure blackness. He held his briefcase very close to him checking frequently that it was still there. And then the woman in front of him with the blonde hair, tight super model type dress reading a expensive fashion magazine seemed so...out of place. As if she should have a private plane or a actor boyfriend with her but no. All alone just staring at the same page for more than a half hour. Distinctively creepy I might say. As the plane rolled through the shapeless clouds I couldn't help but wonder. About the things that bothered me.Not normal 19 year old things. Things like how do they name things like clouds an trees and such. I gently lulled myself to sleep, my mind full of theroys and scietnfic possiblities.

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