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"Gooood morning, Darriance!" a very cheerful Wayne yelled as he entered the dining room. Wax was sitting at the head of the dining table as always. He glanced up from his morning paper and put down his daily cup of black coffee. More like his first of seven cups of coffee he'll have today. Wayne smirked at his own thought. Wax was a good head taller than Wayne. His long brown hair went down his shoulders. He always slicked it back with some hair gel that smelled of pine. He was already dressed and all put together, except for his stubble of course. Wayne stared a bit too long and he sensed someone had noticed. He turned to see the butler, Darriance, who coughed and gave him a glare.

"Ahh, what are we dining this fine morning, my good sir," Wayne projected in an accent of a high nobleman who had gone to one too many lectures and now had a stick up his ass about every opinion he had. Hmmm, Alfred is a good name for him. Yes, Wayne would have to save this character for later. Maybe steal a top hat. I'm thinking a gray top hat for Alfred.

Darriance sighed, "Like I have told you in the past Master Wayne, we can make you anything you request." Wayne acted taken a back as he held his hand up to his chest and looked at Wax startled. "Master? Oh my!" Wax rolled his eyes, ever the buzzkill. And Wayne had given him an opening to enter the teasing and everything! Wayne's disappointment showed for a second before he turned quickly to Darriance.

"I desire only the latest in fine dining. My colleagues have been absolutely enamored by. What was it again, ah yes, Waf-alls, I believe they are called. Didn't Lord Ladrian recently get the new cooking contraption for it?"

Wax raised an eyebrow, "I don't know if waffles will impress you that much Lord..." Wax looked up and down trying to distinguish which persona Wayne was using. Darriance left the room to prepare the requested waffles as Wayne perked up to the sound of Wax's voice. He hurried, with a stiff posture of course, towards Wax and vigorously shook his hand.

"Lord Alfred Burton. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Ladrian! Your current work on metal..."

"May I speak to Wayne, whenever you get a chance?" Wax smirked. Wayne's heart dropped and so did his act.

"So... another pretentious nobleman. Don't you think you have enough?" Wax cocked his eyebrow.

Wayne took the seat next to him and propped his feet up on the table. "Nahhhh. They are so much fun to make Wax! This Alfred fellow, got a bit of a limp. Did ya notice that? And his marriage situation is terrible. There are rumors going around that he's into guys, ya know."

Wax shook his head as Darriance came out with a plate stacked with waffles. Damn, it was worth a shot anyway.

Wayne took his feet off the table as Darriance placed the plate in front of him. Darriance placed a butter tray and a bottle of syrup next to it. "Anything else sir?" Wayne shooed him away with his hand as his eyes were fixated on the food in front of him. Wayne wasn't accustomed to butlers, not even after living at Wax's for a year or two. And he certainly was not comfortable with them, especially since the last one blew up.

"Well," Wax asked as he propped up his head on his hand. After a couple of seconds of staring at the food, Wayne responded.

"WHAT IN HARMONY'S NAME IS THIS? THESE ARE JUST PANCAKES, THEY ARE!" Wayne yelled furiously as he stabbed a slice and ate it. He chewed it slowly for a couple seconds judging the taste. Mouth still full he yelled, "THEY ARE EXACTLY LIKE PANCAKES! RUST AND RUIN WAX, YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY ON A MACHINE THAT CAN SOLELY MAKE A PANCAKE-LIKE FOOD?"

"Well, I do find myself enjoying waffles a lot more than pancakes," Wax stated, unsurprised by Wayne's outburst, as he flipped a page of his newspaper. Wayne's mouth gaped open at him.

"Better than pancakes? Are you pulling my leg, Wax? Pancakes' soft and fluffiness soak up the syrup. This," Wayne gestured to the waffles with his fork, "This ain't got not fluffiness."

Marasi burst into the room, her braids that she usually wore to bed all frizzy. She, like Wayne, did not bother to get all put together like Wax to simply have breakfast. She was wearing her new cop uniform that she slipped on for work today. Her new outfit consisted of a long sleeve formal shirt with loose trousers. Although Wayne had suggested tight trousers since they would not get in the way as much, Marasi already did not relish the fact of wearing trousers, let alone tight ones.

"What is all the noise about?" she whined as she took the seat opposite of Wayne, "Can I have a cup of orange juice and some eggs please."

"Well, Wayne here has just tried Elendel's newest food," Wax informed Marasi.

"Ah, I see," she said as she took out her notebook. No doubt, she was going over her agenda for today before she went to work. Many people said Marasi and Steris did not have a lot in common, but Wayne disagreed. Sure, Steris was more lean, blonde and uptight, but they were both more the academic type. Not to mention they both blushed very easily. Marasi undid her braids and brushed out her waves with her hands. Unlike Steris, Marasi didn't put much effort into appearance. Wayne liked that about her. People were often so obsessed with appearance that they hardly took the time to actually look at a person. Hence, why Wayne got away with disguises so often. If you just act confident enough in a part and have a few key character pieces, people would believe you. Especially when you had a hat. Hats are very important.

Wayne adjusted his as he pushed his empty plate forward with his feet to make room for them on the table. Marasi's nose wrinkled at the sight.

"Wayne, do you have to put your nasty feet on the table. We're eating."

"Nah, we aren't," Wayne said as he took out a toothpick and gestured at Wax and him, who both were done with breakfast.

"Well, I'm going to anyway," Marasi said with a huff as she crossed her arms.

Wax got up from the table, folded the newspaper under his arm and picked up the pot of coffee and his empty mug. He walked out of the room, obviously going to his study to do studying type stuff. Wayne rolled his eyes and reluctantly put his feet off the table. Marasi adjust herself and leaned towards Wayne.

"Don't you dare even think of following him."

Wayne sighed and shrunk in his chair as he looked at Marasi.

"How many times do I have to remind you he's getting married."

Wayne pouted and muttered, "Not if another water tower shows up again."

Marasi glared at Wayne. "Wayne, when are you going to let this go."

"Just because you have doesn't mean I'm gonna. I've been pining for years, I ain't gonna stop now just because he's married off. He was married before. That didn't make my feelings disappear. Believe me, I tried."

Marasi gave him a pitied look that disgusted Wayne. Why did Marasi and MeLaan do that all the time? Whenever they tried talking to him, they always handled him like a child, the both of them! Wayne released his anger with a heavy sigh. Wax never treated Wayne like that, even when he had found Wayne cowering in a corner of a robbery gone wrong. He gave Wayne a second chance and took him under his wing, but he never pitied him. Marasi noticed the difference in Wayne as she took a sip of her juice.

"I'm sorry," Marasi said awkwardly. Wayne felt bad. It wasn't her fault that she didn't get it.

"It's alright, Mar."

"So, how are we going to postpone the wedding this time?" Marasi asked as she innocently look up from eating her eggs and cleaned her mouth with a napkin.

Wayne gave a devilish smirk. That's the thing about Marasi. Everyone was too focused on her innocent appearance that they often misjudged her.

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