chapter 3

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What Ashley's wearing ^^

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What Ashley's wearing ^^

Getting back from training I saw Yuno and Asta having a race and decided to join them. "Hello boys I see your at it again." I said while calmly running next to them shocking them with my voice as they didn't see me coming causing them both to trip. One a blushing mess the other a stunned idiot. I laughed as I saw their faces and started running faster, seeing this they both stood up and tried catching up to me.

Stopping at the church I won the race while panting because of how tired I was. 'I need a bath and a nap sounds heavenly right now, but I'm hungry, *sigh* so many things to fucking do my dumbass needs to do.'

The boys stopped a few seconds after while they were conversing with the kids I walked into the church going to change out of my clothes.

When without warning someone slapped my butt making me let out a squeak. I was blushing furiously as Yuno put his head next to my ear.

"Nice shorts, though you should change. You a little too hot in these clothes and I'm the only one who gets to see this." He said while he squeezed my but then walked off like nothing happened with a light smirk on his face.

'Did he do that because I won the race.' I thought. Looking around hoping that no one noticed I saw Nash shaking his head with a blush on his face. Poor Nash. Turning around I quickly go change.

Time skip

Later that night I was cuddling with Yuno while everyone was sleeping, I was still awake.

I was thinking about a spell I saw in my grimoire. 'Nature time magic: unplanted memories. This spell allows  the user to see glimpses of the future memories of whoever they touch.' She didn't have anyone to try it on and didn't really see the use for it.

But she was curious about her future with Yuno and tried to decide whether or not she should do the spell while having a argument with herself she heard Asta mumbling. Deciding not to do it. While she was trying to get comfortable she felt a squeeze on her but making her let out a small squeak. "Stop overthinking and moving and go to sleep." Yuno mumbled into my chest.

That night I went to sleep a blushing mess. Seriously he has to stop squeezing my but at random moments.

Time skip

Everyone was saying there goodbyes as we set off on our way to the capital. The boys decided to have a race making me sigh. I quickly took out my grimoire.

I quickly summoned Shiro. Mounting the pure white fox I quickly fell asleep Shiro having no trouble catching up to the boys and following them.

As we got near to the capital I dismounted Shiro before shrinking him. As we entered the capital I was amazed and fascinated with everything I saw.

We were reaching the venue where the magic knights exam is being held at.

I was so excited and happy I let out a joyous aura while walking with Shiro in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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