part five

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Taylor didn't do a lot that weekend, except for train, and avoid Logan of course.

"So, how do you like the school? Found any friends?" Kaya asked as the two sisters sat in the eldest room, "I've seen you with a few different people," the two hadn't gotten to talk throughout most of the week, due to Kaya's training.

"Yeah, it's all right," Taylor answered, "And yeah, there's Camilla, she's an art student, she's amazing!" she said in admiration. She wondered whether she should tell Kaya about the Ducks, she didn't know if she shared Logan's opinion about them.

"What about those Ducks?" Kaya said breaking the silence, along with Taylor's ponder, "I think they're pretty good."

That caught Taylor's attention, "Really? I thought you didn't like them, because of Logan."

"God, no. I don't care what Logan thinks, he's an idiot," Kaya chuckled.

"Thank the skating gods," Taylor praised she was just happy that in the end, her sister was on her side, "But yeah, Julie - she's their goalie - she's my roommate. Connie and her are like best friends, so she comes to hang out with us whenever she has time."

"Any boys?" Kaya suggested cautiously with a shrug, knowing Taylor had never really had a thing for anyone, like ever, so she didn't know if it was just too private.

"Well," Taylor started, a smile slowly forming on her face, "I went on a date the other day."

Kaya screeched, "No way!" she hugged Taylor, which Taylor did not know how to respond to, so she just let her. Kaya let go of her sister, "Who?" she asked.

"I don't even know if I like him. He's so, I don't know? Arrogant? I guess? But at the same time, he's surprisingly thoughtful," Taylor replied, really not knowing how to describe Charlie.

"Explain," Kaya said simply.

"Well, first we got paired in English, and when he first introduced himself, he really didn't seem like the type to care about school, nonetheless read a whole book in like a day. And then, when I was on my way to go train at the arena, he just casually walks up to me and joins me for a skate. Then he made this stupid - but not so stupid - bet, that if he could do all of the tricks I showed him, then I'd have to go on a date with him," Taylor rambled.

Kaya looked as if she'd been slapped in the face because she was so excited, "I- wow-"

"That's not even it. For the date, he took me to the diner his mom works at, and she's so nice! I mean seriously! And then since it was kinda cold he gave me his jersey and then he took me to the arena, but instead of during jumps and such, it was hockey-"

"Wait, what?" Kaya interrupted, "Hockey? I didn't know you liked hockey?" she asked confused.

"I don't," Taylor reassured, "Anyway, for that bet he said that if he won again, then I'd have to go on another date with him, right? But I won, so he was like, 'I really wanted that date', or something, I don't really remember."

Once Kaya had soaked in all of the newfound information, she asked, "So you like him?"

"God, no, I hate him. He's annoying, an-and he's too, well I don't know, flirty?" Taylor suggested, "Oh! And he plays hockey," she finished as she recalled the fact.

"Whatever you say." Kaya said as she got up from the bed, "How about we make this a weekly thing? Every Sunday night we just talk?" she suggested.

"Yeah, I'd really like that," Taylor said as she walked over to the door and hugged Kaya, "See ya."

"Bye." Kaya hugged and closed the door behind her sister.


"Hello, Jones," Charlie said as he slid into his seat beside her in Chemistry.

"Hi," she replied, she wasn't in any particular mood for joking around. Her Spanish teacher had assigned them to write a resume on a text they'd read, which was to be turned in during their free period that day.

"Hey, are you all right?" he asked sincerely.

"Yup," she replied simply, resting her chin in her hand.

"So, have you picked your price yet?" he asked.

"Price? What price?" she asked with an airy chuckle as she raised her head, "Oh, the hockey thing. Right. Yeah, no," she said.

"Well, you gotta come up with something. We've gotta have another challenge," he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"'Cause I still really want another date," he said, right as the bell rang, making Taylor laugh slightly.


"Okay, so all you have to do is memorize the periodic table," Taylor explained as she and Charlie sat on the floor in her dorm, "How come you've never learned it before? I think I learned it in like sixth grade or something."

"Hockey," he said simply as he tried to organize the cards for Taylor, "Hey, how come you don't play? It's not like you don't have any talent in the sport."

The girl hesitated for a second, she never really opened up to anyone about hockey, "I used to love it, I would go watch all of Logan's games, help his team out at practice, but once I got older, I realized that it was all about Logan and his hockey. Heck, they even started homeschooling us because of it," she explained, looking back at when she was younger.

"So, chemistry," Charlie changed the subject and she smiled at him. If there was one thing he was good at when it came to the youngest Jones, then it was when to change the subject. He handed her the cards and they began.


"Well, isn't this a sight?" Julie said she entered the dorm room.

"Oh, hey Jules!" Taylor waved at her roomie, "Just chemistry homework, apparently Charlie doesn't know the periodic table," she explained.

"Which isn't my fault," he defended.

"Fair enough," Julie replied, "Are you guys done, or...?" she kinda trailed off.

"Oh, yeah, I think I've got it," Charlie said as he got up, and then helped Taylor up, "I should probably head home, it's getting late."

"I'll walk you," Taylor said, "So you think you've got it down for tomorrow?" she asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Hopefully," he said.

"I've decided what I want my price to be," Taylor said as the two walked outside.

"Oh, yeah? What?" he asked looking at her with a slight smirk.

"For you to pass chemistry," she said with a broad smile looking ahead.

"Okay, not what I expected, but sure," he chuckled.

"So, you'll do it?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course. A deal is a deal," he said as the two neared the parking lot.

"Thanks," she said with a nod, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Goodnight, Jones," he said.

"Night, Conway," she said, as he walked down the street. She then walked back up to her dorm, ready to go to bed. But of course, the universe had other plans.

"What was that about?" Julie said teasingly.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor chuckled lightly as she kicked her converse off.

"Charlie. First the date and the jersey. Now studying with each other? What's next?" Julie teased even more.

"Shut it, and frankly all I know is that he's gonna pass chemistry with flying colors," Taylor said proudly, knowing that Julie had no clue, what she was talking about.

"What do you mean?" Julie asked. She was right.

"I won a bet after the date. So, for my price, I chose that he has to pass chemistry," Taylor said, acting unbothered as she crawled into bed, and under her duvet.

"What's your guys' thing with bets?" Julie asked as she turned off the lights.

"To be honest? I don't know," Taylor pondered, 'I guess it's just our thing,' she thought to herself, as she laid on her back and looked up at the loft.

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