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7:30 AM,  Seoul

Jungkook was sleeping peacefully wrapped in blankets while hugging the pillows when someone pulled the curtains of the room. As soon as the curtains were removed the sun rays lit the whole room.

Jungkook groaned in his sleep. He turned around to hide his face from the sun rays. The other person rolled her eyes and walked towards his bed. She stared at him for a few seconds before grabbing the water bottle from the side table and emptying it's contents.

Jungkook: What the...UGHHH!!

As soon as Jungkook was splashed with water all his sleep disappeared. He stood straight at once and rubbed his face.

Jungkook: Jin hyung wae...

His eyes became wide on seeing the person standing in front of him. No, he didn't know her. He wasn't excited to see her. Why would he be excited to see a random stranger standing in front of him, early in the morning , in his room...in his home.

Jungkook: WHO ARE YOU!!!

He screamed at the top of his voice and covered his bare chest with the blanket. He was baffled to see a girl in his room. Maybe she's one of the saesangs...that's what he thought.

Jungkook: Are you my fan? Did you break into our dorm...?

"I have the keys...I don't need to break in..."

She continued to remove the curtains casually as if she owned this place. Jungkook was still confused.

Jungkook: Listen--

"Mr. Jeon...sorry for the water...you weren't waking up with the sunlight...and Mr. Chairman is waiting for you downstairs..."

Jungkook: Pd nim...is downstairs...? Leave that...tell me what are you doing here...!!?

"Oh...my bad, I didn't introduce myself...Myself y/n, your personal bodyguard..."

You flashed a smile at him and walked towards his closet to grab his towel.

Jungkook: Ah..okay...wait...was he serious...? My personal what??

You: Here...take a shower and get ready...Mr. Chairman is waiting for you.

You left the room.

Jungkook: Jeon Jungkook's bodyguard...is a girl...no way!!


Mr. Bang: You need her...
Jungkook: No...I don't...

Jungkook argued back for the tenth time as the Chairman tried to convince him. You were smiling on the outside but rolling your eyes for the nth time on the inside.

You: (in mind) This arrogant singer thinks I'm dying to be his bodyguard...he called me weak...just because I'm a girl...I'll make sure to make you suffer for this...wait and watch...

Mr. Bang: Jungkook...because of your carelessness the entire group's security can be at stake...your stalker won't try anything if you have someone around you...24/7...

Jungkook: But that someone can be a guy right!!
Mr. Bang: We want to catch that person...and a girl around you won't be misunderstood as a bodyguard...

Jungkook: So...how will it help...she'll only cause a scandal...

Mr. Bang: And that's what we want...

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