Chapter 28

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Diamonds POV

Light streamed in from my curtains as I cracked my eyes open. Last nights sleep had been suspiciously good.

Popping my bones, I clambered out of bed and went to brush my teeth. Don't want nobody tryna diss me today.

I walked with a skip in my step and entered the kitchen.

"Heyyy mummyyyy," I smiled at her. She looked at me suspiciously and eyed me up and down like there was something wrong with me.

"I know I didn't raise a child this happy. Who are you? King? KING!" She cornered me with a spatula and practically screamed the house down calling for dad.

"Mum, stop playing. You know it's me. I just had a good trip ,you know?"

"No I don't know," She then proceeded to hit her own daughter with the weapon she held and quite ferociously I might say.

"I'm here! I'! B! ...What?" Panting like there was no oxygen in the room to inhale, dad dragged himself over to the noise of my screams and mum's attack on me.

"King, come take this demon away from our household. Matter of fact let me perform a quick exorcism on it." She rushed to fill a bucket with water and came dashing back to me. "Hold this baby," she said whilst handing my dad the bucket.

And all this time where was Sapph? I guess she really was my worst enemy.

"Holy father of God, take this evil spirit, cleanse it! Begone demon! Come out from the body and perish! Die! Lord, kill it!"

Water landed on me from every direction as mum had gotten dad to throw handfuls at me from every angle as she screamed at my drenched self.

"Stoppp! Mum, Dad you know it's me!"

"Kill it! Peri- wait...Di?" I glared angrily at her for finally realising who I was. "Oh it is you, you look like the same drowned rat as you did last moth when I chucked you in the pool." She chuckled to herself heartily.

At this point, I was fuming and ready to drown her in her own 'holy water'.


"Yeah?" He replied fearfully.

"We gotta"

"Mmhm." And they both sprinted like a big arse dog was behind them, chasing them.

"I'll get them lat-," Suddenly I was cut off by someone strolling into the kitchen looking all happy.

"Good morning everyo- damn what happened here? Someone decided to get baptised or something? Whoa and wha- damn! Mondy what happened to you? You look like you did last month when mum threw you into the pool lolll. Mondy...?"

If I was a cartoon character I'm sure there would be steam coming out my ears and my black arse somehow turning red.

"I'm giving you 5 seconds." Her eyes widened and she pivoted on her heel to speed out of there. She knew what that meant.

The chase was on. Not like the show though.

Two hours later, everybody, and I mean everybody was out of collapsed on the floor, struggling for air or still pleading for mercy. And that would be Mum, Dad and Sapph.

All the rest had just joined in for a bit of jolly old exercise. But it obviously turned into more of just a jolly time.

Smirking evilly to myself, I looked over all the bodies on the ground and shouted out in victory. "Anyways guys I wasn't even that mad it's whatever now." Everyone's mouths dropped open in disbelief.

"What do you mean 'I wasn't even that mad'? You literally suffocated me with a cushion then tried to pull my braids out! And then, you jumped on top of me from the balcony! And you weren't even that mad?!" Mum cried out in frustration while banging the floor with her fists. Was she alright?

"Lol I remember when I jumped on you. That was bare funny."

"You dislocated my shoulder!"

"...okayy? And that was relevant because...?" Sometimes I really didn't get this woman.

"I give up. I knew that when I dropped you down the stairs you had brain damage or sum. Fucking babies man," she grumbled and mumbled under her breath as she walked away.

"Alright...we'll I'll see you guys later I'm going out. Maybe tonight we can go for game two?" There was a collective chorus of 'no!' and 'is she serious?' and stuff like that. Well, we'll see.

I had just gotten half way through all the paperwork in my small hair product company when Lala called me. I knew I had been avoiding his calls for too long now so I decided to pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey Diamond. Can we talk?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure about things right now and I'm really stressed at the moment." Yes go Di great excuse.

"Please? Meet me at the rest we always got to at 6:30?" He asked and it almost sounded like he was desperate. I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 5:15. Hell no.

"I'm sorry Lala I probably cant. Actually I just can't."

"We'll I'll be waiting there for you," he said with a hint of hope in his voice. I sighed then ended the call. I was so tired and couldn't be bothered to deal with this relationship shit right now.

Two and a half hours later, I walked out of the building. 7:45. I'm sorry Lala. Waiting in front of the doors for my driver, I felt a presence creep up behind me. My reflexes kicking in, I punched them in the throat, but before I could knock them out they stabbed a needle in my neck. Shit.

I'm sorry, was the last thing I thought before the world went black. 

I'm lying that was not my last thought.

It was 'I'm low-key craving Mac Donald's right now.' I really need to pattern up before I get myself killed. 

Thanks for reading and please comment and vote it really helps me out.

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