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"Excuse me!" Hannah practically yelled at me with either excitement or worry. I couldn't tell.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend this morning and I accidentally said yes, and yes you can be excused." I said trying to sound as unfazed as I could about the events that occurred this morning but to be honest I was actually really worried. And what did he mean by 'before its too late'? What could possibly be so urgent that he had to ask me that this morning as apposed to in a week or so?

I had science with Hannah for first period and all that was going through my head was whether I made the right decision or not. What if Calum was a psychopath and was going to kidnap me and brutally murder me in the middle or nowhere. Okay maybe I was over thinking this, Calum was a nice guy from what Ive seen and if things don't go well then I can always end it.

The day dragged on and on and I listened to hannah talk about her amazing dates with Ashton. I was really happy for her and everything I mean Ashton seemed like a good guy and if he wasn't I would make life particularly hard for the runt.

"Oh my god, Brooke. Are you even listening to my date?" She asked arching her eyebrow expectantly.

"Yeah, Ive just got a lot to think about." I said giving her a half smile.

Hannah instantly realised what I was talking about, I was never really good at relationships, I had been fucked over too many times to count. I always had trouble loving someone as much as they loved me. I was always good at finding out a boys game and learning how to beat them at it until they changed the rules and I eventually got tired of playing catch up. It felt like a continuous game of piggy in the middle that I never won. I knew exactly what made a guy tick, they wanted girl who could be rough and exiting but could also be classy and lady like.

The day dragged on and on and the period were particularly long today. I decided to let myself have an early mark after second period because things were just getting too hard. I hopped in my car and started driving towards my house. I was only driving for fifteen minutes before I spotted Calum walking from the bus stop. I pulled over and drove slowly at his pace. I saw the worried look on his face, my windows were tinted so he probably thought I was some sort of creeper. I ever so slowly started to roll down the window wile he was getting more and more worried.

"Did I scare you?" I said once I was in his view.

Calum jumped a foot back and put his hand over his heart to emphasise the fright that I gave him.

"Jesus, Brooke. You scared the shit out of me." He said panting.

"Where are you off to lover boy?" I said giving a sly smirk.

"Oh, no where in particular. Probably just go home and study or something." He said now leaning with his arms crossed on the window sill.

"Need a lift?"

"Nah, babe. Im good."

"Want to come over then?" I asked, praying to god this boy had enough sense to say yes.

"Yeah sure. What do you want to do? Study?" He asked as he got into the car and I lit up a cigarette.

"Yeah, or something." I said smirking at him.

We drove for another fifteen until we reached my house. I parked my car in the driveway and got the keys out of my bag while Calum followed close behind. I opened the door and went inside with Calum still following. The first thing that caught his eye was my dads music room. Here we go.

Calum walked straight in his reaction was pure awe. I was fascinated to say the least by the way he looked so passionately at all of the guitars.

"Play me something." I said stepping behind his and pulling my hands on his shoulders giving him a gentle massage.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to damage any of the equipment." He said as his eyes still inspected every inch of the room.

I walked over to one of my dad's acoustic guitars and handed it to him gesturing for him to sit on the stool behind him while I curled up on the bean bag and closed my eyes to the sound of him playing short notes. It was truly astonishing how well he played. He started humming to the tune and I swear to god if I wasn't an ugly sleeper I would have fallen asleep. The music stopped after a bit and I sat up and applauded Calum.

"Wow, Calum. That was beautiful." I said a stupid grin spread across my face.

He stood up to put the guitar back in its place as carefully as he could. He held it like it was glass it made my heart melt.

"What do you want to do now?" He said putting his hands in his pockets.

Oh, I knew exactly what I wanted to do but I wasn't going to tell him. He would have to figure that out on his own. I took hold of his hand and lead him upstairs to my room where I pulled him over to the bed and quickly crashed my lips onto his. Calum responded on que and deepened the kiss the first chance he got.

I gently pushed Calum onto the bed so that I was straddling him.


"Are you sure you don't want a lift home?" I asked as I showed Calum to the door.

"No its fine, Ashton will be here any minute." He said giving me a chaste kiss goodbye before walking out.

"Wait, Brooke!" Calum called just before I closed the door.

"Yeah?" I asked opening it slightly so that I could see him.

"I had fun today, this weekend come to the movies with me." He asked taking hold of my hand and biting his lip.

"Yeah, alright." I said pulling his face closer to mine so our lips were brushing together.

Just before our lips touched we heard a honk out the front. Calum turned around to see Ashton waving him in.

"Better go." He said disappointed.

"Dont worry babe, theres always tomorrow." I said with a smirk as I bid him goodbye.

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