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12/9/____                          Day 1

Today i randomly woke up in a jungle, crazy right?! I have no clue how i got here tho i suspect it was due to me sleepwalking. Although it is a normal thing at this point it can still be annoying like, i don't even know where i am!!!! Most of the time i wake up somewhere near Snowchester {my home} but this time i was in a jungle, a JUNGLE. I didn't even know there was any near me! How on earth am i going to get back?

After a good amount of time i finally decided to get up and find my way out of here. As i started to stand up and look around, trying to find someone, anyone to help me navigate my way out of here when suddenly i see something. It was running around like a headless chicken jumping from tree to tree I soon realised that the 'thing' that i saw was a human he had dirty blonde hair, was around 6.1 he wore a bright red baseball shirt and a woolly blue cardigan. Trying to catch up to them was a another person except he was way different from the blonde boy as he had brown hair, horns, was around 5.4, had what looked like a burn mark and wore ripped blue jeans a white button up shirt and a dull green sweater.

As i started to make my way towards them i could hear the goat one shout
"Tommy! Don't go too far Willbur will get mad at us!!"

Soon after the blonde responded
"Well Will can screw off then!"

"Don't say that! He might hear you!!"


"And? What do you mean and?! We just took some of Willburs stuff he's probably looking for us right now!"

"OH YEAHH, we should probably run then."

Still making my way to them i accidentally broke a stick.


"Yes Tom i did, now stay quiet i think somebodys there!"

'Nononononono' i thought at least i know their names now, Tubs and Tom! Pretty weird names if you ask me but who am i to talk? My names Ranboo! Trying to stay on track, i slowly approached them with my hands up, showing that i wasn't going to attack them.
"Um... hello?" I said as calmly as i could "Can you help me?"

"Who are you and why would we want to help you!" Tom responded

"Well my name is Ranboo! And i need help getting home."

"Ok? why should we help YOU tho?"

"Um i don't know how to answer that, i'm sorry."

"That's alright big man! Where do you live?" Tubs questioned

"Thank you? And i live in Snowchester!" I said slightly taken back by the nickname i had just been called.

"How did you end up HERE then!?" Tom asked though it sounded more like an insult

"I, i don't really know if i'm being honest."

"That's alright! Well my name is Tubbo_ and this is TommyInnit but we go as Tubbo and Tommy!"

'Oh' I thought 'So their name weren't as weird as i thought they was, well tubbo is quite a strange name.'

"That's nice!" I said breaking the silence that had formed "Do you know the way back to Snowchester?"

They both said, i'm starting to think that Tommy doesn't like me for some strange reason.

"Oh come in Toms! He just needs to know it's way home."

"Fine. We will take you, just know that you owe us."

"Ok?"I replied becoming slightly more confused than i already was.

"Follow us!"Tubbo said

Just like that my journey back home started, i don't think it was that long of a trip but i also don't remember half of it. From what i do know Tommy mentioned somebody called, Phil? Apparently he took Tommy and Tubbo in when they were children and took care of them until they were old enough to take care of themselves. If you ask me this Phil guy seems nice! The two also fight a lot from what i saw, it was always something stupid like 'who took the diamonds out of the furnace?' or 'who killed Techno's dog?' that last one might not have been as stupid but you get my point! I also don't know who this 'Technoblade' is and from what i've heard i don't want to know!

After some hours i finally made it home, luckily Tubbo said that him and Tommy would vist me from time to time meaning I finally have friends!!! Once i was about to fall asleep for the night it finally dawned on me what the hell had happened I had just woke up in a random jungle and told two strangers where I live, probably not the best idea i have ever had but at least it wasn't the worst! When my thoughts came to an end i fell asleep, wondering where I would wake up tomorrow.


836 words

Sorry if this wasn't as exciting as you would have wanted, I tried to make it as random as i could. :}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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