the game

298 15 7

***Raven pov***
I was heading to my seat at the football stadium so I waited until the game started then cupid She Sat next to me
"Hey Cupid you came here to see Dexter play?"
"WAIT Dexter is playing???" She said all curious I thought she knew
"Yea I know you wouldn't expect it"
"Oh how do u know he is playing?"
Well I'm afraid to tell her that me and Dexter went on a date but I told her anyways
"Well... he asked me out on a date and told me" then Apple white came out of know where
"YOU AND DEXTER" before she yelled anything out I covered her mouth
"Shh I don't want anyone to know"
"Oh ok" then sat to the left of me then the game was going to start. I saw Dexter running and he looked scared but I didn't mind.

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