Chapter 1

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Hi everyone,
          Im going to try to update this but I made it purely for fun and I might not update a lot. and if any of the creators mentioned in this story have any issues with it I will delete the story immediately (this also goes for if any boundaries change) ily you all and enjoy <3


George pov
       "George, honey your going to miss your flight,"
His mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. George rolled over his hand slamming into the side of his nightstand "ouch, shit that hurt" he mumbled.

     as he stood all of the bones in his body satisfyingly popped and he happily jogged down the stairs swinging around the corner into the kitchen where his mother stood arms crossed "what" he said wide eyed having no idea what he had done wrong

"Your going to miss your flight to Florida in, 5 hours" she said looking down at her watch "oh, wait 5 hours, mum I think I have enough time" he said knowing full well that his mother was pissed at him for whatever reason it was

"Well did you make sure that you called clay and he's picking you up from the airport?" She asked trying to seem like she was proving a point "n-no" George said looking away "yeah, that's what I thought" she said smirking

"I knew I would have to make sure everything was perfect before you left so I woke you up earlier then I should have" she said turning around and putting some pancakes on a plate and handing it to George "well thank you then" he said taking a bite of pancake


Dream pov
       Dream woke up with a jolt when patches came to lay next to him "hi sweet girl" he said scratching her chin.

   He turned to his nightstand where his phone was laying, "oh shit" he said getting up and running out of the room "NICK, BRO GEORGE IS COMING TODAY" he yelled through the house "OH SHIT I DIDENT NOTICE" Nick yelled back sarcastically, "I FUCKING FORGOT" dream yelled running down the stairs cause he really wanted to stop screaming through the house, "how'd you forget dipshit" Nick said when he reached the kitchen "and Karl too, he's coming" Nick excitedly said bouncing up and down "alright calm down its not like you didn't see him last month" dream said going over to the cabinet and grabbing cereal. "Shut up" Nick said going back looking at his phone "what time are you going to the airport?" Dream said eating a bowl of lucky charms "like 5:00" he said "but I don't really know he'll text me when he lands" Nick explained looking back at his phone "what time are you getting George?" Nick asked, Dream and Him decided over a game of Rock Paper Scissors who had to stay up the latest getting George from the airport, dream lost and continued to ask for a rematch the whole day "probably at like 2:30 in the morning" he joked "nah I'll just go when he texts me" he said going back to his cereal. George was staying for 5 months and dream was planning a face reveal in those 5 months of George being in the states. "What are we gonna do all day though" Nick asked walking over to the island and sitting on it "I don't know sit around until we get a text?" Dream said walking into the living room picking up patches on his way "alright, sounds good to me" Nick said jumping off the counter and going towards the couch.


Damn 612 words
Drink some water <333

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