✧ 𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙨 ✧

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LONDON, ENGLAND WAS AND WOULD ALWAYS BE BIANCAS' HOME. The busy streets and smoke-filled air were comforting and the thought of leaving it all behind was heartbreaking, however it was something that Bianca was willing to sacrifice for her parents. Her dad, Simon Reveras, was a world renounced artist whose work was displayed in all the popular museums and galleries. And now? Now his work would be featured in the biggest gallery in France- the Louvre.

Her father was just as ecstatic as her dad and once Wu Reveras knew of the accomplishment he insisted that Simon become a full time artist. Bianca couldn't help but agree as she would do anything to make her parents happy, but the only downside would be leaving the family home she had grown up in. Leaving London for a bigger city- Paris.

Present day Bianca was rushing around her almost completely packed up room and finishing up any incomplete or untaped boxes. A low thrum of music streamed into her ears from the bulky purple headphones that sat on her head comfortably and she hummed as she went about the room. Bianca couldn't help but think about what was coming. Moving to a completely different country was a huge change and Bianca was lucky enough that her father had pushed her to study an assortment of languages from a young age, that including French. Her household was fluent in French and she supposed that would make the move a little easier on the communication aspect- ignoring the thick British accents that coated their every word. You win some you lose some.

Her dad along with the whole 'famous artist' gig had secured Bianca a spot in a private academy, a school where she could both focus on her academics and still participate in the wide variety of extracurriculars they carried. Bianca had eyed two in particular and when her father and dad both sent her a wink and a grin she knew that she'd be alright. Collège Françoise Dupont would be gaining one more student in three days and Bianca Reveras was ready, whether Paris was ready for her was a different story.

The snap of her headphones on her ears made Bianca let out a sharp yelp, eyes clearing before narrowing into a glare at her dad. Simon simply laughed before making a gesture of her taking her headphones down which she complied to. She shook her head and paused her music, sending him a questioning glance. "What was that for, old man?"

Simon grinned. "Oh hush, Luna. You're such a teenager." He ruffled her hair before turning towards the door. "Your father brought home pizza and we thought we could all sit down, yknow. One last meal in London before we're off to a new life in a completely new country." His eyes softened. "If you want to, that is. There's no rush." Simon hesitated before awkwardly tapping on the doorframe, his hand pointing in the direction of the stairs. "I'll just be...down there." And he was gone.

Bianca sighed before folding her headphones into their respective case and shoving them into the black rucksack she had set aside for the plane. She did a once over of her room and when she had made sure all of the boxes were taped shut and the clutter was packed up she clapped the dust off her hands and made her way downstairs.

Her feet padded against the clean wooden flooring and she took in the sheer emptiness and how big it looked without all of their belongings decorating the space. It felt a lot less like...home. Biancas grey eyes met her fathers green ones and he smiled at her before ushering her over. The girl smiled back and plopped down onto the floor, dishing herself up a plate of the vegetarian pizza her parents always bought from the pizza place down the road. She took a bite and all her worries seemed to melt away into the bliss of food. Ah, nothing a good slice of vegetarian pizza couldn't solve.

𝙂𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝘽𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙔,  a.agresteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant