Chapter 1

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A/n: This story was requested by


Let the story begin

A/n: Don't start music until I say

3rd POV

Kurt was sick and tired of their bull shit.

It's always them. They are the ones that get at least a little bit of light. But when the gay guy wants some, they always on some bullshit.

They were all in Will Schuester's class, getting ready for god knows what.

"No! No! No! That's not how it's supposed to go!!" Will stopped the whole song because they were doing it wrong.

"We doing it how you want us to do it, Mr. Schuester." Tina said while she was leaning on Artie.

"Well now I don't like it. We need to change it up just little bit. Any ideas."

Of course Rachel was the first one to raise her hand, but she wasn't the only one.

"How abo-" Kurt was about to say but got cut off by Rachel.

When Rachel cut Kurt off, he zoned out, tuning out everyone that was around him.

It wasn't the first and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last of Rachel, any one of them, cutting him off and Will not say anything about it.

It was almost time to go. They had thirty minutes until they could leave.

Kurt wasn't doing anything. He was just sitting there.

He was about to pack when he heard his phone vibrate, indicating that someone texted him.

Already knowing who texted him, Kurt got his phone out and started texting back.

My King😩🤍: I got everything beautiful. Burt said he finna go to his wife's house. While he was doing that, I got everything ready and packed.

Πεταλούδα μου🦋🤍: Thanks bubba I'm leaving in about 20 something minutes.

My King😩🤍: I'll give you the address. I love you beautiful💙

Πεταλούδα μου🦋🤍: I love you more🤍😘

What Kurt didn't know was how hard he was smiling. With how hard he was smiling, everybody looked at him, wondering why he was smiling like that.

"Whats you smiling about over there?" Puck was the first to say while everybody was just staring at him.

Kurt looked up for a second before putting his stuff in his bag.


Now that made everybody mad. He should have told them who it was.

Kurt had always worn baggy clothes. He never wanted to show how slim he really was.

He wore baggy sweatpants and one of his lover's shirts, making it look big on him.

After that, it was awkward. Kurt wasn't talking at this point and everybody else around him was whispering, talking to the person next to them.

It was time to leave. Kurt was getting up and heading out when the bell had rung.

It wasn't that serious. He knew it wasn't because at this point he just didn't care.

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