Bus ride

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Y/n Pov:

I packed the essentials:

- A change of comfortable clothes

- Sandwiches

- Chocolates and energy bars

- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc)

I put on a white shirt that had a stag in the middle, black shorts, dark grey converse and I tied a dark grey plaid around my waist. I put my camp necklace around my neck. I also decorated my hand with the bow and arrow ring my mother gifted me, which transformed when said the words: toxótis, meaning archer. I put everything in my black, grey and white backpack and set off to find the others.

The camp store loaned us one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. Chiron gave Annabeth, Percy and me each a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies if we were seriously hurt. It was god food, Chiron reminded us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it was lethal to mortals.

Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve.

Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as a human. He wore a green rasta-style cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened and you could just see the tips of his horns. His bright orange backpack was full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket was a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knew two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto no. 12 and Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday". 

Percy was bringing his toothbrush and a change of clothes. No sword, no spear, no bow or arrow, nothing to defend himself. I took my pocket knife, just in case he might need it if he didn't have a weapon by the time we left camp.

We waved goodbye to the other campers, took one last look at the strawberry fields, the ocean, and the Big House, then hiked up Half-Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia.

Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair.

"This is Argus," Chiron told Percy. "He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." 

I heard footsteps behind us. Luke came running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes. 

"Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you." 

Annabeth blushed, the way she always did when Luke was around. 

"Just wanted to say good luck," Luke told Percy. "And I thought...um, maybe you could use these."

He handed Percy the sneakers, which looked pretty normal. They even smelled kind of normal. Luke said: 


White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels, startling Percy so much, he dropped them. The shoes flapped around on the ground until the wings folded up and disappeared. 

"Awesome!" Grover said. 

Luke smiled. 

"Those served me well when I was on my quest," he said. "Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days...." 

His expression turnedsad.  

"Hey, man," I said. "Thanks." 

"Listen, Percy..." Luke looked uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just...kill some monsters for me, okay?" 

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