Saturday Morning

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Saturday Morning
Today is Saturday, September 22. Xolo, Aaron, Taylor, Noel, Max, and I all have detention today because we were caught skipping class. A little backstory into our group. -Xolo is a pretty boy who can get any girl he wants. Aaron and I are the brains, who help everyone with their homework. Taylor is a feminist, who never passes the chance to make men feel inferior. Noel is the quiet one, who keeps his head in his books.

But back to Saturday. We all arrived at school together at 8:10 am, Xolo came in on his motorcycle, but the rest of us came in Noel's truck. As we walked into the classroom, out of the corner of my eye I saw a symbol painted on one of the lockers in the main hallway. I just ignored it because it looked like regular locker graffiti.

In the next few hours the teacher had stepped out to take a phone call so we took the opportunity to wander around the school. anything was better than sitting in that stuffy classroom. As we were roaming the halls I saw the symbol again painted over a poster in the hallway . We walked towards the abandoned corner of the school where we usually hung out. Max stopped, and that's where we all saw it. ..... It was the same symbol that I kept seeing but on a bigger scale and way more graphic. We looked at it puzzled to see if there were any hints as to where it came from or why it was there but we couldn't find anything to go by so we just turned around and walked back to the classroom before the teacher could get there. We all got back to the classroom and just looked at each other trying to make an explanation out of what we had just seen. But we couldn't think of any reason why it was there. Taylor looked like she was about to cry and honestly I was about to also, I was just so confused as to why it was there.

Another hour had passed by and finally, it was time for us to leave. The teacher released us and we all left. I expected someone to bring up what we had just seen but no one did, everyone was just silent. Xolo left first then we all got in Noel's truck. The whole way to our neighborhood it was silent. I walked to my house from where Noel parked. As I walked to my house I just kept wondering what that symbol meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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