When you take his tattoo out slowly (Taehyung)

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Authors Pov-

The alarm rang as you groaned slightly. You didn't had enough sleep making it difficult for you to open your eyes but it was important for u to get up fast. You slept for more five minutes before making ur way out of bed and doing your morning routine. After doing your morning routine, you wore a casual outfit and without having breakfast you left for Hybe entertainment. That's how you were, hardworking to the extent where you wouldn't eat and sleep just to reach on time to work. You were a professional tattooist, very well known one. Many celebrities had their tattoos done by you and you were proud of yourself but still u were insecure which make you overwork. You knew it was wrong but u wanted to be the best version of you. In process of being the best version of you, u started neglecting other things which were equally important like health.

End of author's pov

Y/n's Pov

I was standing in front of Hybe building. It wasn't my first time. I have already been here to draw Jungkook's hand tattoo and a few more works. I took a deep breath and entered the building. As soon as I entered all the staff gave me soft smile as I returned back the smile and asked for Bang-Pd nim's whereabout. I got to know that he was on 5th floor in his office as I rushed towards his office. As soon as I got out of elevator on fifth floor I bumped into someone who was none other than my childhood best friend Ann. "Ouh- Y/nnnieee why are you rushing?" Ann asked "I'm late!!" I said and before she could say anything else I ran towards Pd nim's office. "May I come in?" I asked while softly knocking. I entered as I heard a 'come in'. "Oh hey melon!!" I heard Pd-nim aka my adoptive father. He adopted me when my parents died in an accident, I was just 10 years old. "Hey dad! I'm sorry, I'm late" I said as he shook his head "you are 30 minutes early melon" he said as I just fiddled my fingers with a pout. I heard him chuckling "oh my workaholic daughter" he said and cane near me and pulled me in a warm hug "don't overwork melon, hmm?" He said as I felt calm in his embrace. I just nodded and hugged him back but we backed off as we heard a knock on the door.

No one knew about our father-daughter relation as I preferred keeping it secret as I didn't wanted any special treatment so we kept it a secret. Dad said come in as Ann entered. Only her and BTS members knew about me and dad. I released a sign as Ann walked towards me with a 'sus' look. "What?" I asked as she she came in front of me "had your breakfast?" She asked as I kept mum. "Yes you lil shit..how many damn times l should ask you not to skip ur meals."- Ann shouted at the top of her voice until she realised that pdnim was there too. "I..lam sorry sir."- she apologised to which he chuckled and replied "Its ok Ann..you have the full right to scold her when she skips her meals regularly. Go and take ur breakfast melon. I will late you know your schedule after u finish ur breakfast." Both of us bowed at him and left to the canteen.

End of Y/n's pov

At the canteen-

Both me and Ann were having our small chit chat and l was engulping my breakfast too. But suddenly a message popped on my phone screen. I took out the phone to only see dad's text which said 'Melon, u have to go to Tae's room to take his tattoo out since he cannot come because he is injured.' And I almost lost my breath when l read that he was injured.
Actually me and all the BTS members were quite close friends but when it comes to Taehyung than l cannot confirm whether its only friendship or something else...Yes l liked him since the past one year. The way he treated me, cared for me always made my heart flutter. But, l was still not confident enough to confess to him and being a workaholic l just feel like l won't be able to keep this relationship healthy when l donot even know if he likes me back or not...
Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by Ann. "Y/nie, what's wrong?"-she asked to which l can only reply "I have to go..see you later Ann."

At Taehyung's building

I reached the building and was in the lift. My heart was beating fast since it was him, my love with whom l was gonna be alone and l was really worried for him after dad said he was injured, l just wanted to see him so badly. My thoughts were disrupted when the lift stopped indicating l reached his room. I rang the door bell and waited outside. It took some time for him to open the door since he was injured. And here my heart won't stop racing. The door opened with a smiling Taehyung and that was it...my heart almost stopped working at his boxy smile.

"Hey Y/n, come in"-he said smiling. I awkwardly smiled at him and went inside since l was really nervous. I could see how he was walking mostly giving all his force only at his one leg. "Pd-nim said me that you were coming to take the tattoo off..sorry for the bother that you have to come till here."- he spoke. My gaze shifted towards his face and l spoke "Its ok Taehyung..plz take care of yourself while practicing. Seems like you are overworking yourself. And about coming till here, lam totally with it"- l said in a worried yet stern tone. He looked at me with a 'are you serious face' and spoke "says the one who overworks herself and even forgets to take her meal." I couldnot help but laugh at his sarcasm yet worried words.

I was looking around his house since he went to bring juice for me even after my denial as l didnot wanted him to walk more with his injured leg. I was just in my thoughts that Taehyung called for me. "Take a seat Y/n." I nodded and sat on the couch. It was becoming awkward since none of us spoke anything so l gulped my juice as soon as possible and asked him "Taehyung, shall we start taking of the tattoo." He nodded assuring at my words. He took off his shirt and was left half naked infront of me. My brain was not processing anymore seeing him like that. 'Hot' was the only word l mumbled unknowingly. But it didnot went unnoticed by him and he gave a devilish smirk to which l reacted with a 'what' face.

Taehyung's pov-

After I took off my shirt, Y/n's face was almost like a tomato. She was looking so adorable. She placed her warm hands on my bare chest and started to remove the tattoo. One of her hand was working and other was just resting on my chest. Her face was so close to mine that all my feelings for her were just taking over me. I fell for her since the day we met but my coward heart was still not able to confess in the fear of getting distant from her. What if she doesnot like me back and after my confession she will break our friendship was killing me inside.

End of Taehyung's pov

Y/n's pov -

I was focusing on my work but somewhere l knew that l was being stared at. I looked upward only to see Taehyung looking at me. And that's when my heart was again beating unstoppably. He diverted his gaze somewhere else after both of our eyes met. He was indeed blushing.

I was done removing the first tattoo and now it was time to remove the one from his face. I stood up and started working on it slowly. I was gently removing the tattoo but for my bad l slipped at the room mat and landed on Taehyung's lap......
I tried getting up and he pulled me by my waist..WAIT WHAT HE DID JUST NOW..I WAS SCREAMING INTERNALLY. I was trying not to blush but l failed miserably. "What are you doing Taehyung?"- could only come out from my mouth.

"Y/n..l wanted to say this but l failed utterly everytime l tried. So, lemme just confront. I like you, no l love you Bang Y/n. Its ok if you don't feel the same, l just-" I cut him off by kissing him on his lips. At first he was surprised but later gave in too. It held pure love, no lust, no desire, just nothing but only sincerity. "Who said, l didnot liked you, no loved u. I do. I have been loving you since long, Kim Taehyung."- I spoke with happy tears in my eyes. "So does it mean we are officially together now"- he asked. I nodded and pecked his forehead. I again tried to get up but what happened was same. He pulled me back and back hugged me and put his chin on the crock of my neck sniffing my scent. "Thank you for making my life beautiful, Y/niee."- he spoke at me as his eyes sparkled. "Aigoo, this big baby. You make me complete, Taehy-" "No Taehyung, call me Tae or any nickname you like."-he cut me off just to say this and pout. He looked so cute l swear to god. "Sure, my bear."- l spoke and smiled at him.

"OMOOOOOOOO😱, WHAT YOU TWO ARE DOING?"- both of us fliched after hearing a sudden shout from the doorway and it was Jungkook? I got up from Tae's lap quickly and stood up. "How are you here kook..."- asked Taehyung to Jungkook. "Hyung did you already forgot that l have a spare key of your room. Seems like someone's already into Noona very intensely"- Jungkook teased Taehyung and smirked at him. "Yahh, you little brat. Stop teasing me."- Tae frowned. "Iam reporting to hyungs and pdnim." Jungkook stuck his tongue out and ran away. "Kook, wait...." - Tae slowly started chasing him forgetting that he was injured. I was laughing my ass off at the duo and admiring their friendship.

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