Chapter 1: Part 1

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Eva had always been called beautiful. And sexy.

She knew they only meant it physically. She knew she had never been beautiful inside. There was something deep and something dark woven like a clean web with a stillborn spider in her mind and heart. There had always been ... something off.

Sometimes she didn't know what to think. Why was being bad really that bad? Was she actually - well, that bad?

So one day, she Googled the definition of evil. Evil - Adjective. Profoundly im-
moral or wicked.

Why was it that bad not to care about other people? And sometimes she knew. Sometimes she cared. A lot.
She cared about them, but, she didn't care what they thought about her.

It was weird. Weird wasn't really Eva's thing. She liked normal jokes. Normal music. Normal friends. Normal outfits. Normal pets and normal ice cream flavours.

She had many friends - all girls, for boys were one of her biggest fears, though she kind of worshipped the idea that they were male. That idea alone was kind of romantic to her.

Eva also had parents. A daredevil younger twin brother and sister and an elder sister with a nose the size of a potato. She knew it. But she didn't hate it. She hated Eva for it.

Eva had a pretty dainty nose. And she was sort of vain of her looks. Someti-
mes, though, she prioritized pretending to have an Angelic personality, listening to every word of the preacher every Sunday like her eternal life depended on it, and keeping up with petting her poodle, baking cookies for the twins, and doing her Geometry homework.

The twins loved her the way she was. They thought Eva was a genuinely nice person. Sometimes she had also thought that. But there was something dishonest in her. Something deep down that made her want to take everything she wanted regardless of what it would cost the store owner.

She had never been caught doing something wrong. And when she was little, she wouldn't have framed anyone else for it. But now? If it was just a broken window or a batch of fudge? Perhaps. Did that make her evil? Not in her mind. A few spanks with the paddle on the behinds of little Harm and Harmony? Oh, she supposed they might get over it soon.

Her parents, though devout Christians, were not worried about her ever being sexually active - even if that meant only being orally active. She kept pictures of every boy in her school in a large photo album hidden underneath her bed mattress.

She smiled to herself. They didn't have to know.

They were not worried about her using drugs or drinking. She had always been a health freak and was currently living off a plate of tomato salad and vegetables with half a wing of boiled chicken a day.

They were not even worried about her grades. She cheated when she "had" to. If she was too lazy to study for a test or too slow witted to grasp that last Math problem, she went for it.

Eva had never stolen anything, nor considered to. She seldom lied. Her conscience bothered her too much. She even read the Bible - but only when she was in distress.

Never when she was grateful. She had never considered the theory of evolution, and she loved discussing scientific reasons for creation with her friends, even if they didn't think it was cool. As usual. Sometimes Eva even thought that she loved Him.

But her heart was from God. And she didn't know it yet.


AN: What do you think so far?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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