Missing: Phineas Flynn - Alternate Ending

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"What are these gashes from?"

The doctors kept asking him, but Phineas was light-headed, and having trouble remembering.

"A-a man..." Phineas finally recalls, "He-he called himself Sir... Tristan,"

The doctors sigh. They have a name to put to the whippings.

"How far back do you remember?" asks a female doctor.

Phineas thinks back, trying to remember.

"I-I remember waking up in a cave..." Phineas says, "I was scolded for making noise... t-th-that was the first one... before that, I can't remember anything,"

The doctors pause, then ask the final, daunting question.

"Where were you?"

Phineas thinks as hard as he can, but he's drawing blanks.

"I-I don't... I don't know..."

"What can you remember about where you were then?" a doctor asks.

Phineas thinks.

"I was definitely underground... the air smelled a little bit salty... and I could hear water outside the cave I was in," Phineas says, "Th-that's all I can think of,"

"Alright," a male doctor says, "You should get some rest,"

The doctors walk out, and Phineas lays down on the hospital bed.


"He doesn't seem to remember anything beyond when he was gone," the doctors report to the Flynn-Fletchers, who were waiting anxiously outside.

"And the gashes on his back?" Linda asks.

"He would get whipped by some man named Sir Tristan for making too much noise," the female doctor tells them.

"But how did he lose his memory?" Candace asks, collapsing on one of the chairs.

"We don't know," a male doctor says, "The bigger question is still how did he survive?"

"How long does he need to stay?" Linda asks.

"He'll have to stay for a few more weeks while we monitor his blood pressure and change bandages," a female doctor says. "After that he'll need to be in a wheelchair for a while,"

"Alright," Linda says.

"Thank you, doctor,"


"Why Isabella? Why?"

Isabella was being scolded by her mom.

Vivian had found Isabella's scissor on her vanity, still dripping with blood. Then Isabella had come home with both arms wrapped in bandages.

"I..." Isabella couldn't figure out how to respond.

Vivian sighs.

"You aren't grounded," Vivian says, "I know you've been through a lot. But I am taking these," Vivian holds up Isabella's scissors, which she has recently cleaned, "And no phone privileges for a month,"

Isabella nods glumly.

"You can go with the Flynn-Fletchers tomorrow when they visit Phineas," Vivian tells her daughter.

Isabella walks up to her room and lays on her bed.

She bursts into tears.

"Oh, Pinky..." Isabella sobs, "W-w-w-why...?" Isabella's voice shakes. "H-h-how could he l-l-lose his m-m-memory...?"

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