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Instagram: Ben Hope
Can't wait to see you x

I look up from my phone, into the crowd of boyish, well, boys. God, I hate this school. I make my way to the library, not for the companionment of a good book, but for the crash if my fist to Ben Hope's snotty, ugly face . I find it unbelievable that, I, Charlie Spring, have a boyfriend as selfish and disgusting as him.

My eyes dart around the library, running my finger across the cracked and withered, old spines of textbooks and vandalised dictionaries. He's not here. I recieve another message:


Instagram: Ben Hope
Can we meet up at break instead? x

My eager smile turns into a frown. "Oh, well." I say to myself. Maybe next time, I think. One of these days I'll find him myself and grace him with a hole in his face so big you could climb through it.

Meanwhile, Ben's not the one I want to see. Well, in that way, anyway. Nick Nelson, Year 11 'straight' Rugby boy. He makes me feel alive. He's like the water that tends to a dry and unkept garden, washing me with love and removing the nasty bugs and weevils.

But Ben doesn't know.

However, Nick knows about Ben. He's fine with it. Well, not really. We both hate him. I was supposed to tell Ben I wanted to end things so I could be Nicks and only Nicks. But he's stood me up again.

between us - nick x charlie Where stories live. Discover now