~ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝚕 ~

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The Salem Witch Trials

Everyone knows about it...well, almost everyone anyway-

Basically, women who were thought to be witches would either have a trial, or be killed.

Of course, they weren't the witches that are in the story's today

They didn't have big pointy hats, and they didn't cast spells or ride on a broom...instead, they were normal people

But what if I told you that they were like the witches in the story books?

And what if I told you I was one of them?

Well, surprise, surprise! I am! (a witch that is)

And i'm going to tell you the actual story of the witch trials through my very own eyes....


It all really started one day when I was at school

My friend, Margot Heither, had told me and a few other girls in our class about her encounter in the woods

"I saw a witch! She was walking down the little path in the woods! She had a black, pointy hat! And she had broom in her hand! I was terrified, but I ran before she could catch me and turn me into a frog!" she had stated

Margot loved telling tales, it was kind of her thing

She even believed in some of her tales and wished that they would come true

None of the other girls had believed what she was talking about, well, except for me

You see, my mother had told me at a very young age a secret

She told me that I was a witch...and that if I told anyone about it, then I would not get to see my mother again

At the time, everyone knew about witches

They were supposedly a viscous creature, who would capture little kids and eat them alive

There were hundreds of tales about them

The older kids would tell the younger ones scary stories about witches, and they would frighten the young ones and laugh when they screamed

Witches were becoming more and more popular in Salem, not just the tales of them, but they were becoming an actual thing...and because of that, people were scared to go outside

Some kids in my class didn't believe in witches, and others did-

But no matter what they believed, you could tell that they were scared as well

Although, none of them were as scared as my mother

She was debating on letting me attend school, and she wouldn't let me leave the house unless I was with her

Even though witches weren't being hunted, she still wanted to take extra precaution

I knew why, it was because in the story's, witches were killed if found guilty...or if even found alive. And if people believed witches were real, than who knows what will happen-

So I promised to my mother that I would never let myself get killed, just to make her worry less

And if it was a promise, then it would never happen....right?


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Heyooo! Sorry if this chapter seems rushed...that's because it is- (also sry it's short i wrote this in class-)

I might rewrite this chapter cause i hate it so much

I hope y'all like the story so far and if y'all want more information on the characters and/or the plot, then i might make a chapter or like a lil 'info' page dedicated to just that

I will try to post a lot, but i've got school so it might take some time to get chapters out (*•_•)

anywayyyss...bye!!! <3
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♥︎ ♡︎ ♥︎

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