~𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑙~

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There i was...

Standing on a platform, people with pitchforks and torches

I couldn't escape

There was nowhere to go

A rope around my neck,
my hands tied behind my back,
people throwing anything they could find at me

This was it

They found me

I didn't keep my promise, I lied

I'm a liar

They were lifting the rope




and then—

I woke up

It was almost 6am

For weeks now, i've had these nightmares where i would be executed in various different ways

It was horrible

The worse part though, was that I could practically feel what was happening in the 'dream'

I slowly got up and went into the bathroom

I looked at my face in the mirror and realized I had a bruise on my forehead


I washed my face as I had thought of everything that's had happened in the past month

Multiple girls at my school had been caught and they were now dead

People were having riots and protests

The town I grew up in was going against me

And all because of stupid witches


Stupid witches just like myself-


Every time me and my mother go out to the store, it seems like all eyes are on us

Last week, my mother had pulled me out of school and I couldn't leave unless I was with her

I couldn't help but pity her

Every night, she cried herself to sleep. And she would repeat the same words over and over

Je suis désolé

I had no idea what it meant, but I did know that  it was probably french

My mom grew up in France, and when she turned 18, she left for America and had a kid

I'm not sure why she left, but it was most likely because of family issues...and being a witch

All my life, my mom has been my idol. She's amazing!

Never got scared, never cried, never complained, never gave up.

But this...i've never seen her like this

It made me scared

Because if all of this witch stuff made my mother like this just by knowing what might happen to us...then I am positive that what I think happens to witches when found, is going to be 10 times worse when we are caught



yay  another chapter let's gooooo

I have zero motivation or inspiration so sry if this chapter sucks

Also i wrote on my phone so chapters seem bigger than they actually are...so that's the reason the chapters are so short

i have no ideas for what happens next so updates will not be coming soon-

(2 reads yay (•̀ᴗ•́)و)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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