And so it begins

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Back by popular demand,  Until the Winter Solstice 2021 (December 21st) There shall be an art contest held! Traditional and Digital art is welcome, and one entry per person.  Our theme is Halloween/Fall/Autumn.  It can be fan art, Asthetic, Original, or anything else as long as it fits the theme! good luck to you all, and have fun!

To enter you just have to post your art on wattpad and tag me. I'm iexist_congrats but with a capital i. So it's @Iexist_congrats

You don't have to follow me or anything.

Anyone can enter but 1 entry per person.

Try to keep it PG or atleast PG13? No nudity,  excessive gore, the works.

There will be 3 winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. I will do my best to judge them fairly.

Not everyone will win. This doesn't mean that the art was bad, or lacking. Please don't be sad if that happens.

I may have top 3 for Digital and top 3 for Traditional art if I have enough of each type of entries.

I will credit each of you but I highly recommend signing it in some way shape or form.

All entries will be uploaded in here.

Feel free to tag your friends,  and have fun!

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